A Dog in Rabbit Kastle!


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Adal and Bandit the border collie visited us at Rabbit Kastle  a few days ago.  This was the first time we’ve had a dog in our apartment and we were really curious to see how the bunnies would react. The SPCA’s paperwork said that our rabbits were afraid of dogs.

Bandit stayed on leash and sat next to Adal.  Hunny was not happy about this particular visitor so she stayed inside her apple box and suspiciously watched Bandit.

Rory first sat up looking him over.  He then lowered his head and stretched out like an inch worm.  He looked like he was going to take a nap.   Rabbits will occasionally show visitors that they are in charge of the territory by basically saying, “You’re in my house. Look how relaxed I am here in the middle of the room where you all can see me. It’s almost like you’re not even here.”   Moments later Rory flopped (the classic dead bunny flop)  when he takes a nap – and stayed there for about 5 minutes!

Another ten minutes later Rory boldly hopped up to Bandit to introduce himself.  They eventually touched noses in greeting and then Rory didn’t seem to even notice he was there!



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