
By E. Fasim. Trinity International University. 2018.

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Deficiency of vitamin B6 and riboflavin can give rise to pellagra because the enzymes involved in converting tryptophan to niacin (kynureninase and kynurenine hydroxylase) are dependent on these vitamins cheap lamictal 200 mg free shipping. Other associations are 841 Pellagra cheap lamictal 200 mg with mastercard, due to deficiency of nicotinic acid (niacin) or its precursor (tryptophan) is found in maize-eating areas, alcoholics, and refugees. The clinical features are dermatitis (symmetrical, affecting sun-exposed 2865 areas ), diarrhoea (or constipation), delirium, dementia, depression, dysmnesia, and neurasthenia, together with angular stomatitis, wasting, increased reflexes, clonus, positive Babinski sign, and peripheral neuropathy. The application of epidemiological principles to the cause and treatment of pellagra provided a convincing demonstration of the public-health approach to mental illness. In a worm model, the length of the mutant polyglutamate repeat and the expression of proteins in the insulin- signalling pathway (that regulates life span) determine cellular toxicity of mutant huntingtin. There is degeneration of cells in the caudate nucleus , putamen and cerebral cortex. Head of caudate indenting ventricle (coronal section) The number of neurones in the striatum are diminished, especially the small to medium-sized spiny neurones. Changes in the dendrites of spiny neurones are more extensive in the caudate than in the putamen. The clinical features depend to some extent on the age of onset: young adults – rigidity (Westphal variant), middle years – chorea, and old age - cerebellar 2871 signs. Features include personality problems, schizophrenia-like psychosis, depression , suicide (3-20 times the rate of the population at large), chorea, facial grimacing, dysarthria, often an explosive speech, a shuffling or dancing gait, cessation of abnormal movements in sleep, weight loss despite a good appetite, Hartnup’s disease (inborn failure to absorb tryptophan and urinary tryptophan loss), isoniazid treatment (B6 deficiency), and phaeochromocytoma and carcinoid syndrome (tryptophan is used to form amines instead of nicotinamide in the latter two disorders). Authors differ in their findings of psychiatric problems among close relatives of Huntington patients, interpreting their results as indicating heredity or shared environment (or both) accordingly. The chorea may also be exaggerated by getting the patient to stretch out his hands in front of him. Attention, problem-solving, and arithmetical skills are more prominently affected. Common complaints are of being confused, slowed up, and difficulties with remembering. Antipsychotic drugs and tetrabenazine may decrease chorea but should only be used if really necessary because of unwanted side-effects. Injection of foetal striatal cells into the caudate nucleus and putamen has led to improvement in some cases. There are pronounced changes in affect and personal and social conduct: ‘The salient clinical characteristic is a profound alteration in character and social conduct, occurring in the context of relative preservation of 2879 instrumental functions of perception, spatial skills, praxis and memory’. Loss of function in the left anterior temporal lobe in people with frontotemporal dementia may increase artistic and musical skills! Death may be sudden either for unknown reasons or because of autonomic dysfunction or (due to hyperorality) choking. Gray and Cummings (1999) suggest that Pick’s disease accounts for about one-fifth of cases of frontal lobe dementias. Symptoms vary but include personality change (emotional blunting, egocentricity, mild euphoria, and fleeting anger), aphasia, echolalia, palilalia, perseveration, mutism and incontinence. Kluver-Bucy elements (hypersexuality, placidity, and hyperorality) are not uncommon. Patients can find their way about, dress, cook (although repetitiously) and sew (with reduced dexterity). There is increased signal intensity in the middle cerebellar peduncles on neuroimaging. Age of onset is not affected whether cases are familial or sporadic and the sexes appear to be affected equally. Progress: personality/emotional change; reduced judgement and insight; problematic social behaviour; delusions, paranoia, auditory/visual hallucinations, and depression - decline in memory and speech output and word-finding difficulties (some have verbal stereotypies, acholalia, or Kluver- Bucy syndrome) - late cases are densely demented, akinetic/mute, incontinent, dysphagic, and have extrapyramidal signs. As a result of bilateral atrophy of middle and inferior temporal gyri , these 2892 patients have fluent speech with semantic errors and poor comprehension and naming. There is associative agnosia with impaired identification of sounds, odours, place, objects, etc. The latter high-risk groups might inherit the disorder rather than become infected through their diet. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (Puoti ea, 1999) Heterogeneous group of animal and human conditions Neurodenerative 2896 Cellular prion protein converted into disease-specific species These altered isoforms account for neuropathology and transmissibility 2889 Pure progressive aphemia, progressive aphasia sans dementia, progressive non-fluent aphasia. Hans-Gerhard Creutzfeldt and Alfons Jakob described this condition independently of one another. The mean age of onset is 65 years for the sporadic type and 29 years for the variant type, with mean duration of illness being 4 and 14 months respectively. Prion proteins move cyclically from the cell membrane into the cytoplasm where they are digested by lysosomal enzymes.

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A review of the chiropractic literature demonstrates the difficulty in standardizing the test of motion palpation; Medicare requirements thus it often produces poor to fair reliability lamictal 25mg line. Our Gemmell & Miller (2005) observe that the need for a study attempts to highlight the advantageous effect of multidimensional approach by chiropractors during supervised training and standardization of the test lamictal 100mg with visa. The requirements they laid down state that: ‘To To achieve standardization of motion palpation, two demonstrate a subluxation based on physical exami- technical variables are involved: nation, two of the four criteria listed below are required. There is a need for standardization of the force These include: of pressure employed during the test – the • asymmetry/misalignment kinetics • range of motion abnormality 2. There is seen to be an essential need to standardize the spatial orientation – the • restricted motion kinematics. This meant that, by the start of the study, the examin- Based on the research we have reviewed so far in this ers were able to reproduce accurately the kinematics chapter, the variability of findings among practitio- of motion palpation in cervical rotation as described ners is sometimes high. In a very real way, the variability of (noted earlier in the percussion discussion) when they findings is a potentially costly affair. Naturopathic suggest that there is little value in attempting to judge physical medicine needs to ensure that its students are the usefulness of palpation skills when testing sub- trained to be aware of the need for a high standard of jects/patients who are unlikely to have dysfunctional palpation, observation and assessment. In subsequent research, Marcotte et al (2005) demon- • The book would be opened to the number of strated that, providing the kinematic standards are pages required and then placed under the foot maintained accurately, the degree of pressure used of the shorter leg until the iliac crests were during assessment of spinal dysfunction is relatively judged to be level based on palpation. When there is no disorders, and by standardizing the kinematics of the history of pelvic deformity and the iliac crests can be test. A contrary view The topic of the degree of pressure used in palpation In virtually complete disagreement with Hanada et al will be covered in Chapter 6, on skill acquisition. Leg-length discrepancy measurement In that study, 27 subjects (mean age = 23) were exam- by palpation ined by eight examiners. Assessment of leg length was performed by palpation of iliac crest heights, poste- In order to accurately assess leg-length discrepancy rior superior iliac spines, greater trochanters and (see Chapter 2 for some of the adaptive implications gluteal folds with the subjects standing. Examiners of such imbalances) a variety of validated methods indicated whether leg length was equal, or if there have been described and assessed for accuracy. Subjects were One relatively inaccurate method involved palpa- assessed with no heel insert and with heel inserts of tion of the iliac crests of the standing subject, in 0. Each insert interven- order to estimate the extent of the asymmetry (Clarke tion was examined twice on each subject by each 1972). In depend on examination findings, and only one of the study with higher reliability, the simulated leg- those on palpation. In the study with useful in predicting the efficacy of manipulation, they the poor reliability, the simulated leg-length differ- do not assist the practitioner in answering the ques- ences were 0. Aside from the differences already highlighted, this In contrast, Fritz et al (2004) have identified six vari- scenario provides good rationale for the use of multi- ables that predict non-response (negative outcome) to ple assessment methodologies in order to provide a manipulation in treatment of patients with low back comprehensive and accurate picture. Longer than 3 weeks’ duration of symptoms adjust for simulated leg-length discrepancy or uneven 2. No hypomobility on spinous process explanation as to why Gibbon’s study was apparently springing unfruitful. Reduced hip rotation range crest heights and shifts in the frontal plane, they may 5. A negative Gaenslen sign (pain provocation test with the patient supine, one hip taken Are there indicators that can suggest into full flexion and the other into successful palpation outcomes? The test is Is the focus on inter-examiner reliability the best way positive if pain is reported in the sacroiliac joint to evaluate the usefulness or otherwise of palpation (and/or thigh) on the side of the and assessment prior to treatment? Gemmell & Miller (2005) note that, in recent years, there has been a trend away from inter-examiner reli- Using such protocols would seem to offer useful ability studies towards a focus on outcome-based information as to who is more likely and who is less investigations (Borge et al 2001, Flynn et al 2002). For example, Flynn et al (2002) were able to identify However, as in the case of the positive predictors patients with low back pain that was more likely than above, they do not assist the practitioner in making a not to respond to manipulation. Duration of symptoms less than 16 days Such predictive methods should not result in 2. Hypomobility on lumbar spinous springing be applied with confidence once skills have been 5. Chapter 5 • Assessment and Palpation: Accuracy and Reliability Issues 117 The opinions of experts regarding the above three essential elements, as well as a deeper understanding of the problem that is As mentioned earlier, a team of experts were assem- inclusive of the patient’s perspective. While this model bled in 2002 to evaluate the problems highlighted of diagnosis is rapid, if employed too early there is a by studies that showed poor palpation outcomes chance that the pattern recognition model may be (Bullock-Saxton et al 2002). Poor inter-observer the conclusions drawn by the authors are confined to reliability of palpatory findings should not be consid- the limits of the study. Much research has been pub- ered as necessarily devaluing the use of palpation as lished that throws a negative light on clinical practice a diagnostic tool. This has resulted different ways to different palpatory cues, formulat- in ramifications that go far beyond clinical practice to ing their own manipulative prescription based upon stakeholders in the health care system whose agenda individual experience.

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