By E. Reto. California Institute of Technology.
Standard contribution to a database on the Databases on the Internet Internet with a separate date for the item reminyl 4mg line. For Location Added information about unique identifiers appearing in notes to the rule and (Pagination or Notes) included examples of unique identifiers in the citation examples in 10 generic reminyl 8mg visa. Book on the Internet with an Individual Titles on the Internet organization as author having subsidiary division. Internet Journal article on the Internet with location/extent expressed as an article number. Database/retrieval system Systems on the Internet on the Internet with supplemental note included. Part of a database on the Internet with a date system on the Internet of update/revision. Used English Words in Journal Titles Appendix B: Additional Sources for Revised the resources for the Source List. Individual Titles in Audiovisual Audiovisuals with editors when there is no author. Journal Title Abbreviations Introduction Appendix F: Notes for Citing For Article Title Corrected citation example in For Article Title. It much they are willing to spend for patients to be healed promises novel therapeutic approaches to replace or re- of deadly diseases. Indications range from wound healing and tis- they are able to integrate and launch the new therapies sue transplantation to curing damaged organs and even as and when they emerge. This will involve strengthen- entire diseases, such as cancers, genetic disorders and ing their "innovation radar" and scouting capabilities, autoimmune diseases. They also represent a revolution for use of the new products and generate real-life data, and patients, shifing the focus from treatment to healing. Clearly desirable from a human perspective, generative medicine is on course to these new approaches are also highly attractive from transform the pharmaceutical both a scientifc and a commercial perspective. By following our practical But this revolution in medicine raises many questions recommendations, Big Pharma can and hurdles. Big Pharma is currently less active in the feld of stem-cell and gene therapies than other players, ensure that it is not left behind in and a real risk exists of them missing out on this oppor- the process. Alongside biotechnology ("biotech") companies and university hospital research centers, a new type of player has emerged in the feld: medical technology ("medtech") companies. Once regenerative medicine has become mainstream, the entire healthcare ecosystem will have to adapt. Re- generative medicine requires special patient settings for application and new forms of reimbursement. Regenerative medicine Roland Berger Focus 5 Regenerative medicine is currently limited to very few What is striking, however, is the current lack of involve- specialist clinics and trial situations. Only clinicians today know little about regenerative medi- around 50 of the 300 or so stem-cell and gene therapies cine and its potential. But regenerative medicine is set currently on the way less than 20 percent are being to transform the future of healthcare. This approach is driven by precaution Stem-cell and gene therapies are on the rise, and their and the desire to bet only on sound, proven concepts. The reason these new treatments While this makes sense from a risk perspective, the are so important is that they ofer a potential cure for danger is that Big Pharma will miss out on major op- diseases rather than long-term treatment, shifing the portunities and potential "hidden stars. The current industrial maceutical companies need to decide whether to play pipeline is packed, with around 300 stem-cell and gene an active role in the emerging business of regenerative therapies in development registered in public databas- medicine or to stand on the sidelines. We estimate that a further 10 to 30 percent of stem- time, they must be aware that new developments in re- cell and gene therapies are currently in development generative medicine may cannibalize drug innovations outside the industry at academic institutions such as that have a more traditional mode of action. Regenerative medicine Roland Berger Focus 7 We believe that both Big Pharma and biotechs will have to evolve from drug-product manufacturers to provid- ers of therapeutic interventions. Stem-cell and gene Production of stem-cell therapies are much more difcult to integrate into the pharmaceutical value chain than previous innovations and gene products not as they require a controlled process, from intervention only requires completely by doctors to application in patients. Nevertheless, it took about two decades for Big Pharma to incorporate biologics into their product physicians and patients. Even today, many pharmaceutical companies prefer to partner with a biotech to in-license products in early clinical development stages rather than con- duct early development on their own. Other specialists such as clinical chemists or diferent from chemicals and biologics as the interac- geneticists will then apply a procedure to the material tions of numerous parameters need to be optimized, obtained to give it the desired efects, or process the in- such as gene expression, cell viability and matrix. Not formation obtained, and turn it into a pharmaceutical only that, clinical development and the relevant regu- therapy before it can be readministered to the patient. Another key issue concerns protecting intellectual prop- Even when a stem-cell or gene therapy product is ap- erty. It will not be enough for companies to simply ceutical company can add to such a form of therapy lies: establish a production site somewhere in the world to it can simplify and standardize the use of highly com- serve global demand. Stem-cell and gene therapies are plex procedures along the processing chain for stem mostly patient-specifc with a batch size of one unit.
Interpretation of the results of measurement of the serum of concentrations of IgG and its subclasses is often less than straightforward ( 37 buy reminyl 8 mg on-line,42) cheap reminyl 4mg overnight delivery. First of all, age-specific norms must be used, because of the marked changes in values during the first 2 years of life. Although some laboratories may report IgG concentrations as low as 200 mg/dL as normal in 3- to 6-month-old infants, concentrations of less than 400 mg/dL frequently fail to provide sufficient protective antibody levels. Second, even within a given age group, most laboratories report a normal range whose upper limit may be twofold or more higher than its lower limit. This probably reflects the fact that the total serum IgG concentration represents the sum of hundreds of separately regulated responses rather than a single variable whose physiology requires reasonably tight control, like that of an electrolyte or the blood glucose. Concentrations of IgG, and particularly its subclasses, vary not only among individuals of the same age who have different exposure histories but also in a single individual at different times. Thus, before any conclusions are reached about the diagnosis of IgG subclass deficiency, the tests should be repeated several weeks apart, and analysis of specific antibody titers should also be considered (see later). In judging the adequacy of any given IgG concentration in a given individual, the history of exposure and the frequency of documented infections must be considered. Thus, normal individuals with frequent exposure to pathogens and those whose host defenses are compromised by conditions that do not affect lymphocyte responses, such as cystic fibrosis and chronic granulomatous disease, often have elevated total serum IgG concentrations. This may be thought of as reflecting a physiologic adaptation or as a response to increased or persistent antigen exposure by the normal immune system. IgG concentrations within the normal range, but toward its lower limit, in patients with comparably increased frequency of infection or morbidity due to infection (but without such underlying defects) may thus actually indicate relative deficiency in specific antibodies and should be evaluated further, as explained later. In addition to those conditions in which paraproteins may conceal true antibody deficiencies within normal total IgG levels, several diseases may be associated with nonspecific polyclonal B-cell activation that may cause the total IgG or IgM level to be within the normal range or even elevated, whereas specific antibodies may actually be deficient. Finding low or absent serum IgA together with low-normal or borderline levels of one or more IgG subclasses, particularly subclass 2, should also raise suspicion of more severe defects in specific antibody production than would be suggested by the total IgG concentration itself, and such patients should also be investigated further ( 45). Elevated serum IgE and IgA concentrations may be found coexisting with deficiency of antibodies to polysaccharides in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, and extremely high IgE levels may suggest, but are not by themselves diagnostic of, hyper-IgE or Job syndrome. Analysis of lymphocyte surface antigens by flow cytometry is now widely available and should be included as a screening test in all patients in whom immune deficiency is suspected ( 46). More rare deficiencies involving other arms of the immune system can also be identified and characterized at this level of testing. Obviously, delayed hypersensitivity skin tests have little meaning in children younger than 2 years of age, who may not be adequately immunized with the antigens in question. This level of testing is also frequently necessary to characterize severe defects more completely. Because of the possibility that clinically significant antibody deficiency may be present even when the total serum concentrations of the major immunoglobulin classes and IgG subclasses are normal, specific antibody production should be assessed in all cases in which the clinical presentation suggests recurrent bacterial infections, particularly of the respiratory tract, unless the major immunoglobulin classes themselves are absent or severely depressed. Specific antibody titers should be measured against polysaccharide as well as protein antigens ( 51,52). Although measurement of isohemagglutinins may be used to screen for the ability to produce antibodies against polysaccharides (the A, B, or both blood group substances in patients of other blood groups), the availability of measurement of antibodies against specific bacterial antigens (see later) has decreased dependence on those assays. We usually request measurement of antibodies against tetanus and diphtheria toxins and several pneumococcal polysaccharides as well as H. Testing for these and additional antibody titers are available in many commercial laboratories and are sometimes referred to as a humoral immunity panel. An advantage of using these particular antigens is that they are contained in readily available, well-tested vaccines, which often have already been given to or will be clinically indicated for the patients in question, so that exposure to the antigen is definite. Obtaining titers before, as well as 4 to 8 weeks after, immunization allows comparison of the response to each antigen. The absence of a threefold rise in titer after immunization or failure to achieve protective levels indicates that the patient is unable to mount specific antibody responses. This may be seen either with protein or polysaccharide antigens and may indicate a failure to process properly or recognize an entire class of antigens, such as in what has been termed specific polysaccharide antibody deficiency, or certain particular antigens in what may be considered a lacunar defect. In some rare cases, patients already receiving immunoglobulin infusions may require assessment of their own specific antibody production, which may be difficult because antibodies against many common antigens will have been acquired passively. In most cases, the immunoglobulin therapy can be stopped for a few months so that the patients can be immunized and their own antibody production measured while they are being reassessed clinically. If this is not possible, special test antigens, such as keyhole limpet hemocyanin and the bacteriophage fX174, can be obtained from specialized centers ( 53). Because most individuals and plasma donors have not been commonly exposed to these antigens, commercial immunoglobulin preparations do not contain antibodies against them, and they can be used to assess de novo specific antibody formation. Lectins, proteins generally derived from plants that bind specific polysaccharides, commonly present in surface glycoproteins on human cells and are frequently used as the stimuli in such assays. Because these proteins stimulate most human lymphocytes, regardless of prior antigen sensitization, they are called mitogens, and tests using them should be referred to as lymphocyte mitogen proliferation assays. Plant lectins often used as stimuli for mitogen proliferation assays include concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin, and pokeweed mitogen.
Overview The classification of adverse drug reactions presented here must be considered tentative order reminyl 4mg fast delivery. At times order 8mg reminyl mastercard, it may be impossible to place a particular drug reaction under one of these headings. However, the common practice of labeling any drug reaction as allergic should be discouraged. Increases in molecular size and complexity are associated with an increased ability to elicit an immune response. Immunogenicity is weak or absent when substances have a molecular weight of less than 4,000 daltons (28). Most drugs are simple organic chemicals of low molecular weight, usually less than 1,000 daltons. For such low-molecular-weight drugs to become immunogenic, the drug or a drug metabolite must be bound to a macromolecular carrier, often by covalent bonds, for effective antigen processing. The simple chemical (hapten), nonimmunogenic by itself, becomes immunogenic in the presence of the carrier macromolecule and now directs the specificity of the response. However, most drugs are not sufficiently reactive to form a stable immunogenic complex. It is likely that haptens derived from most drugs are reactive metabolites of the parent compound, which then bind to carrier macromolecules to become immunogenic. This requirement for metabolic processing may help to explain the low incidence of drug allergy; the predisposition of certain drugs to cause sensitization as they are prone to form highly reactive metabolites; and the inability of skin testing and other immunologic tests with the unaltered drug to predict or identify the reaction as being allergic in nature. Penicillin allergy has received most attention as a model of drug haptenization ( 29). Unfortunately, relevant drug haptens have not been identified for most allergic 4 drug reactions. Recent studies of human IgE and IgG to sulfonamides have established the N -sulfonamidoyl determinant to be the major sulfonamide haptenic determinant (30). It should be noted that an antigen must have multiple combining sites (multivalent) to elicit hypersensitivity reactions. This requirement permits bridging of IgE and IgG antibody molecules or antigen receptors on lymphocytes. Conjugation of the free drug or metabolite (hapten) with a macromolecular carrier to form a multivalent hapten-carrier conjugate is necessary to initiate an immune response and elicit a hypersensitivity reaction. The univalent ligand (free drug or metabolite), in large excess, may inhibit the response by competing with the multivalent conjugates for the same receptors. Therefore, the relative concentration of each will determine the frequency, severity, and rate of allergic drug reactions. Also, removal of haptens from carrier molecules by plasma enzymes (dehaptenation) will influence the likelihood of such reactions ( 31). Finally, some low-molecular-weight drugs, such as quaternary ammonium muscle relaxants and aminoglycosides, have enough distance between determinants to act as bivalent antigens without requiring conjugation to a carrier ( 32). Immunologic Response to Drugs Drugs often induce an immune response, but only a small number of patients actually experience clinical hypersensitivity reactions. For example, most patients exposed to penicillin and insulin develop demonstrable antibodies; however, in most instances, these do not result in allergic reactions or reduced effectiveness of the drug. Mechanisms of Drug-Induced Immunopathology An immunologic response to any antigen may be quite diverse and the attendant reactions quite complex. Drugs are no exception and have been associated with all of the immunologic reactions proposed by Gell and Coombs ( 33) subsequently modified by Kay (34) and Janeway (35). It is likely that more than one mechanism may contribute to a particular reaction, but often one will predominate. Immunopathology of allergic reactions to drugs Penicillin alone has been associated with many of these reactions. Anaphylaxis and urticaria following penicillin administration are examples of type I reactions. Risk factors for drug allergy Drug- and Treatment-related Factors Nature of the Drug Macromolecular drugs, such as heterologous antisera and insulin, are complex antigens and have the potential to sensitize any patient. As noted earlier, most drugs have molecular weights of less than 1,000 daltons and are not immunogenic by themselves. Immunogenicity is determined by the potential of the drug or, more often, a drug metabolite to form conjugates with carrier proteins. Drug Exposure Cutaneous application of a drug is generally considered to be associated with the greatest risk for sensitizing patients ( 37). In fact, penicillin, sulfonamides, and antihistamines are no longer used topically because of this potential.
Serum vitamin B12 and folate levels should be measured and antibodies to intrinsic factor and parietal cells should be assayed purchase reminyl 8 mg with amex. Intrinsic factor antibodies are virtually specific for pernicious anaemia but are only present in about 50 per cent of cases discount 4 mg reminyl free shipping. Parietal cell antibody is present in 85 90 per cent of patients with per- nicious anaemia but can also occur in patients with other causes of atrophic gastritis. A radioactive B12 absorption test (Schilling test) distinguishes gastric from intestinal causes of deficiency. Rapid correction of vitamin B12 is essential using intramuscular hydroxy- cobalamin to prevent cardiac failure and further neurological damage. On the first day he felt a little shaky but by the third day he felt very unwell with the fever and had a feeling of intense cold with generalized shaking at the same time. There is a previous history of hepatitis 4 years earlier and he had glandular fever at the age of 18 years. He has had a number of heterosexual contacts each year but says that all had been with protected intercourse. He had returned from Nigeria 3 weeks earlier and was finishing off his prophylactic malaria regime. He had been in Nigeria for 6 weeks as part of his job working for an oil company and had no illnesses while he was there. In the abdomen there is some tenderness in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. The diagnosis should be confirmed by appropriate expert examination of a blood film. The most important feature in this 24-year-old man is the fever with what sound like rigors. He looks unwell with a tachycardia and some tenderness in the left upper quadrant which could be related to splenic enlargement. Even when it is, it does not provide com- plete protection against malaria which should always be suspected in circumstances such as those described here. The risk might be assessed further by finding which parts of Nigeria he spent his time in and whether he remembered mosquito bites. Measures to avoid mosquito bites such as nets, insect repellants and suitable clothing are an important part of prevention. Other acute viral or bacterial infections are possible but are less likely to explain the abnormal results of some investigations. The diagnostic test for malaria is staining of a peripheral blood film with a Wright or Giemsa stain. Treatment depends on the likely resistance pattern in the area visited and up-to-date advice can be obtained by telephone from microbiology departments or tropical disease hospitals. Falciparum malaria is usually treated with quinine sulphate because of wide- spread resistance to chloroquine. A single dose of Fansidar (pyrimethamine and sulfadox- ine) is given at the end of the quinine course for final eradication of parasites. However there is increasing resistance to quinine, and artemesinin derivatives are increasingly becoming the first-line treatment for falciparum malaria. In severe cases hyponatraemia and hypoglycaemia may occur and the sodium here is marginally low. Most of the severe complications are associated with Plasmodium falciparum malaria. They include cerebral malaria, lung involvement, severe haemolysis and acute renal failure. Over the past few weeks she has felt as if she was feverish and has developed night sweats. She and her two children, aged 4 and 6 years, have come from Nigeria to visit her husband who has been in this country for 2 years. She has had occasional fevers over the last 10 years and these have been treated presumptively as malaria with a good response. She has been otherwise well, although her periods have been irregular over the last 3 months. There are no abnormalities in the cardiovascular or respiratory systems and there are no lymph nodes palpable. The length of the symptoms makes infections such as malaria unlikely, although this should be checked since she arrived from Nigeria and combined infections are possible. A very important finding is that immature red and white cells are seen in the peripheral blood. This leuco- erythroblastic anaemia indicates bone-marrow replacement by tumour or infection forcing immature cells out into the blood. Miliary tubercu- losis is characterized by tuberculous granulomata throughout the body due to widespread dissemination of tubercle bacilli. It is now usually seen in elderly persons and the diagno- sis is often only made at autopsy.
The fragrance blend is a mixture of eight common fragrance ingredients and can corroborate the diagnosis in about 80% of individuals allergic to fragrance order reminyl 8 mg without prescription. Balsam of Peru is a tree extract from El Salvador containing many constituents used commonly in fragrances that will cause a reaction in approximately 50% of fragrance-allergic patients order 4 mg reminyl otc. Formaldehyde-Releasing Preservatives Formaldehyde is still the most effective cosmetic preservative against gram-negative bacteria. Substances that release formaldehyde are therefore still commonly used in skin care and cosmetic products (16). Individuals allergic to one of these ingredients may cross-react to any of the other formaldehyde-releasing preservatives. Therefore, it is often good advice to avoid all of these substances if patch testing results to one of them are clearly positive. Parabens Parabens are the most common preservatives in skin care products and cosmetics. A person who has an allergic reaction to parabens may still be able to use paraben-containing products if they are only applied to undamaged skin. That is, almost all paraben allergic reactions occur on inflamed or cracked skin; this has been termed the paraben paradox (17). Foods containing various preservatives that are known to be topical contact allergens have been occasional causes of hand dermatitis in cooks and bakers. Euxyl K400 Euxyl K400 (phenoxylethanol and methyldibromoglutaronitrile) is an even more recent preservative system that will probably become a more common cause of contact allergy once it is used more frequently ( 19). Iodopropynylbutylcarbamate Iodopropynylbutylcarbamate is the newest preservative to be used in skin care and cosmetic products ( 20). Sorbic Acid Sorbic acid is another cosmetic preservative that occasionally causes allergic reactions ( 21). Thimerosol Thimerosol is primarily in liquid products for use in the eyes, nose, and ears ( 22). Glyceryl Thioglycolate Glyceryl thioglycolate is found in the acid permanent wave products used in salons ( 23). This is a common cause of contact allergy in hairdressers because latex gloves are not impermeable to it. The alkaline permanent waves predominate in retail stores and are also commonly used in salons. These products and many depilatories contain ammonium thioglycolate, which usually does not cross-react with glyceryl thioglycolate. Lanolin Lanolin is a moisturizing substance obtained from the sebaceous secretions of sheep ( 24). Therefore, lanolin-allergic individuals only need to avoid lanolin and lanolin alcohol, synonymous with the European terms wool wax and wool wax alcohol, and not other lanolin derivatives. Propylene Glycol Propylene glycol is a versatile ingredient that is both a solvent and a humectant ( 25). Toluene Sulfonamide/Formaldehyde Resin Toluene sulfonamide/formaldehyde resin is found in nail polish and is the most common cause of eyelid contact allergy ( 26). Nail polishes that use other resins in place of this ingredient can be used by persons who are allergic to this ingredient. Cocamidopropyl Betaine In recent years, there have been a number of reports of contact allergy to cocamidopropyl betaine ( 27). This ingredient is used in baby shampoos due to its gentleness and the fact that it does not sting when it gets onto the eyes. The sensitizer appears to be an impurity formed in the manufacture of the ingredient. The benzophenones, which include oxybenzone and dioxybenzone, are now the most common cause of contact allergy to sunscreens. Benzophenones are also found in nail products, hair products, textiles, and plastics. Colophony cross-reacts with abietic acid, abitol, and hydrobietic acid, which are also used in cosmetic products. Medications that Are Sensitizers A number of medications have been reported to cause allergic contact dermatitis. In the case of topical products, it is important to consider vehicle ingredients as possible contact allergens in addition to the active drug. Topical Steroids It is now appreciated that topical steroids are a fairly frequent cause of contact allergy ( 30,31 and 32). The two best screening ingredients for topical steroid allergy are believed to be tixocortol pivalate and budesonide. Cross reactions between structural groups can occur; Groups B and D often cross-react.
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