
By S. Lisk. Wartburg College.

Observational studies play an important role in establishing the safety profle of statin use in the post-marketing phase proventil 100mcg line. Observational studies are valuable to test hypotheses and quantify the size of the effect of statins (chapters 3 purchase proventil 100mcg line. A case-control approach enables us to study the rare, potentially adverse events with a delayed outcome (e. Furthermore, if exposure data are linked to the outcome of the study, the study can be performed without requiring additional information from patients or physicians. The data that was continuously recorded in both databases included demographic information, diagnoses, prescription details and details of referrals to specialist care 152,153. By eliminating confounding as much as possible within each study, the higher its internal validity will be. We did not have medical information from these patients that were referred to a rheumatologist, such as which treatment the patients were advised to start. It has been suggested that statins may dysregulate immune homeostasis and this can result in breakdown of self-tolerance, and induction of autoimmunity. To test this hypothesis (chapter 4), we performed a study using serum samples from the ongoing Dutch Doetinchem Cohort study linked to automated pharmacy-dispending records. To date, in the Doetinchem Cohort study, participants have been re-invited three times for examinations at 5-year intervals. At every examination round, serum was collected from participants, which allows us to study the association between statin use and autoimmunity not only cross-sectionally but also longitudinally. Not only serum, but also anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and demographic, lifestyle and health characteristics were collected using a self-admin- istered questionnaire. Using these data, we have a detailed description of the participants in a real-life setting. As described earlier, the observational Doetinchem Cohort study may be subject to residual confounding. However, we have matched the statin users and non-users on several factors; we believe we have reduced residual confounding as much as possible. The in vivo study described in chapter 5, was conducted to confrm our fndings presented in chapters 3. Uncertainties in relation to extrapolation of data from animal studies to humans are, however, a main disadvantage of experimental animal studies. In addition, accurate data on the prescribed drugs over a long period of time are available. Practically, all inhabitants are registered with a single community pharmacy, independent of the prescriber. In a study where the differences between prescribed and dispensed medications were examined, it was demonstrated that approximately 13% of the drugs prescribed in general practice are not dispensed. However, patients eligible for governments’ reimbursement, as in the Netherlands, were more likely to have their prescriptions flled than patients without fnancial support 158. In a validation study of pharmacy records, it has been shown that such records are a reliable refection of drug exposure as determined by a home inventory 159. Furthermore, no information regarding the adherence to or discontinuation of therapy is available in electronic health record databases. As a consequence, we were not able to recognise possible diagnostic misclassifcation 160,161. As a consequence, we may have introduced information bias that may produce an under- or over-estimation of the associations. Other methodological considerations Some additional methodological issues need to be considered when examining the associations between statin use and the risk of developing systemic autoimmune disorders. Despite the results of our sensitivity analyses, we cannot exclude the possibility of protopathic bias. Furthermore, differences in diagnoses and prescribing regimens by general practice could have biased the results of our studies. By defnition, characteristics differ inherently between those who were taking a given drug, and those who were not taking the drug, because they are taking the drug for a reason. Physicians have a reason to prescribe (‘indication’) drugs to patients, and tend to ‘channel’ certain drugs, or certain dosing regimens to specifc patients. When these characteristics are related to the occurrence of the outcome, the association between exposure and outcome may be confounded. However, it is still diffcult to determine the onset of the cardiovascular co-morbidities. Taking the 6 baseline characteristics from our studies into account, cardiovascular diseases and cardiovascular risk factors (e.

The individual con- tribution of each compound to the total of the mixture also varies and seems to depend on climate conditions [46]; however purchase proventil 100mcg free shipping, in two inbred generations Hetz et al discount 100mcg proventil amex. The authors concluded that silymarin composition is a genetically fxed character associ- ated with specifc chemoraces. Extraction of silymarin is usually accomplished by defatting the fruits in a soxhlet device with hexane, followed by extraction with organic solvents, mainly acetonitrile, ethanol, ethylacetate or methanol. It has recently been reported that even water at 85–100°C is effective in extracting favonolignans from milk thistle without prior defatting, a procedure outlined in the tradi- tional extraction protocol [48]. It should be noted that in all of the procedures described, the favonoid taxifolin is always present in the extracts at propor- tions that are never higher than 1. Several different protocols are described in the lit- erature and most of them make use of reversed-phase systems with acetonitrile 130 P. Corchete or methanol and water acidifed with acetic or phosphoric acid as the mo- bile phase [49, 50]. In a survey of the available data through different web sites, more than 300,000 entries were retrieved for the effects of silymarin. Among the described actions were: elimination of abscesses, control of allergies (seasonal and food), amelioration of Alzheimer’s disease, anticarcinogenic, anticirrhotic and antide- pressant, antidote to amanite poisoning; for treatment of constipation, cough, dyspepsia and eczema, as an emetic, encouragement of menstruation, as a galactagogue, for gallbladder and gastrointestinal disorders, hypocholesterol- aemic, in immunity, infections, kidney disorders, liver disease, liver disorders, lung ailments, migraine, motion sickness, psoriasis, skin cancer, skin and spleen disorders, sweat-inducing, tonic and diuretic, and more. As reported in the Introduction, milk thistle fruits have been employed in folk medicine for treating liver disorders. Intensive research into the hepato- protective effects of milk thistle began about 45 years ago, and Germany was the pioneer country in marketing milk thistle fruits for the treatment of chronic hepatitis of all types [53]. Perhaps the work that covered the pharmacology of milk thistle in greatest depth is that of Morazonni and Bombardelli [17], which was rooted in the biochemical bases of the pharmacological action(s) of silyma- rin published by Valenzuela and Garrido in 1994 [54]. The silymarin mixture is predominantly composed of silybin A and B (30–50 %) together with vary- ing percentages of isosilybin, dehydrosilybin, silychristin, silydianin and, in a smaller proportion, the favonoid taxifolin [3]. These properties prevent the peroxidation of membrane lipids and the consequent degeneration of cell membranes. In contrast, silymarin stimulates phosphatidylcholine synthesis and increases the activity of cholinephosphate cytidyl transferase in the liver of normal rats or rats intoxicated with galactosamine [69]. A unique property of silymarin mixture is the ability to neutralise the poisons phalloidin and α-amanitin from Amanita phalloides. The toxins are captured by hepatocytes through the sinusoidal system; phalloidin destroys the external membranes of cells, which leads to a lethal condition within a few hours, and amanitin penetrates inside the cell nuclei and suppresses protein synthesis, causing death 3–5 days after poisoning [70]. In primary cultures of rat hepatocytes, silymarin competitively inhibits the entry of both peptides into cells [71]. This effect therefore stimulates the regeneration capacity of the liver and the formation of new hepatocytes [9]. Intriguingly, protein synthesis was only observed in injured livers and not in healthy ones [72]. The underlying mechanisms for these effects are through the in- hibition of mitogenic and cell-survival signalling or modulations of cell-cycle regulators [73–75]. Studies of other protective effects suggest future applications of silymarin beyond conditions affecting the liver. Although this organ is equipped with a sophisticated machinery to get rid of such tox- ics, if the situation persists, or if the aggression is very acute, the detoxifying systems fails, resulting in hepatocyte damage or destruction. A variety of blood tests can assess the general status of the liver and biliary systems. The other frequently used liver enzymes are alkaline phosphatase, gammaglu- tamyltranspeptidase and sorbitol and glutamic dehydrogenases, which indicate obstruction to the biliary system, either within the liver or in the larger bile channels outside the liver [78, 79]. The hepatoprotective action of silymarin has been tested in animal models, mainly rats and mice, in which acute or chronic hepatitis was induced by drugs with well-known mechanisms of action. Silymarin, administered through the intraperitoneal or intravenous route, prevents liver damage in animals treated with a broad range of hepatotoxic drugs, such as, for example, acetaminophen (paracetamol), Amanita phalloides toxins, butirophenones, carbon tetrachlo- ride, ethanol, galactosamine, phenotiazines, thallium, the anaesthetic halo- thane and iron [17]. Serum enzymes do not increase but remain within con- trol values at all times studied [81, 82]. From the biological point of view, silymarin reduces the level of serum en- zymes in rats treated with moderate doses of galactosamine; a reduction in histological and ultrastructural alterations at the cellular and subcellular levels was also observed [17]. Silymarin administration increases the survival of thioacetamide-treated animals by 70 % and prevents the increase in serum enzymes [33, 17]. Accumulated evidence has demonstrated that supplementation with standardised silymarin attenuates these changes in animal models treated with high doses of ethanol [88–90]. Apart from these studies, silymarin also shows hepatoprotective effects against lanthanides, tert-butyl hydroperoxide and, as explained before, phal- loidin and α-amanitin [55, 33]. From these fndings, it may be concluded that silymarin can be used both for the treatment of liver disorders and for the pro- phylaxis of several diseases caused by the continuous exposure to xenobiotics that cause membrane lipid peroxidation. However, this effect was only seen in hy- perlipidaemic rats, while in normal animals parenterally administered silybin did not affect serum cholesterol levels [91]. The hypolipidaemic effects of sily- marin and its polyphenolic fraction are manifested in a decrease in cholesterol levels in the liver and plasma in rats fed on a high-cholesterol or high-sucrose diet [92, 93].

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Unlike some disaster scenarios discount proventil 100mcg overnight delivery, you can actually outrun one of these storms if you get enough of a head start discount proventil 100mcg on-line. If you live on the coast or in an area that has flooding, there will be rising waters (known as the “storm surge”) that might be enough of a reason to leave. If you live in pre- fabricated housing, such as a trailer, or near the coast, it just might be a good idea. Cities may no longer have plans for civil defense, but they still do for hurricanes in regions at risk. Oftentimes, the municipality will assign a hurricane-resistant public building in your own community as a designated shelter. Hurricanes get their strength from the warm water temperatures over the tropical ocean; they lose strength quickly as they travel over land. One caveat here: If you live on the Florida peninsula, you might want to head north. The southern part of the state is relatively thin and might provide less protection than other areas. Speaking from personal experience, Hurricane Wilma in 2005 hit Florida’s West Coast and still caused damage to our home just a few miles from Florida’s East Coast. It might be a wise move to make reservations at a hotel early; there will be little room at the inn for latecomers. In any case, this is the time to check out that “bug-out bag” of yours to make sure it’s ready to go. Although most people pack for 72 hours off the grid, that number is relatively arbitrary; be prepared to at least have a week’s supply of food and drinking water, as well as medical supplies. Usually, you will not be told to leave your homes (except in the cases mentioned above). As such, your planning will determine how much damage you sustain and how much risk you place yourself in. For instance, do you know what amount of sustained wind your structure can withstand? Since South Florida was devastated by Hurricane Andrew in 1992, new homes in South Florida must have the strength to withstand 125 mph winds. If the coming storm has sustained winds over that level, you may not be able to depend on the structural integrity of your home. If you decide to stay, make sure you designate a safe room somewhere in the interior of the house. It should be in a part of the home most downwind from the direction of the oncoming hurricane. Figure out who’s coming to ride out the storm with you, and plan for any special needs they may have. Make provisions for any animals you will be sheltering and move all outdoor furniture and potted plants either inside the house or up against the outside wall, preferably secured with chains. One special issue for South Floridians is coconuts: They turn into cannonballs in a hurricane. Interestingly, the palm trees themselves, as they don’t have a dense crown, seem to weather most high winds without a problem. You will likely lose power, so fill up your gas and propane tanks early in every hurricane season. As the storm approaches, you’ll want to fill up bathtubs and other containers with water. Turn your refrigerator and freezer down to their coldest settings, so that food won’t spoil right away if the power fails. In the aftermath of a storm, credit card verification may be down; without cash, you may have no purchasing power at all. The roofers are going to be pretty busy after a major storm, and might not get to you right away. In South Florida after Hurricane Wilma in 2005, there were still blue tarps on roofs more than a year later. If you’ve hunkered down in your home during the storm, make sure that you’ve got books, board games, and light sources for when the power goes down. Here’s where you will finally be thankful for those battery-powered hand-held gaming devices. Take time to discuss the coming storm in advance; this will give everyone an idea of what to expect, and keep fear down to a minimum. Do not eat fresh food that has come in contact with floodwater; if cans of food have been exposed to the water, wash them off with soap and clean hot water before opening. Also, watch for downed power lines; they have been the cause of a number of electrocutions.

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Stable patients who are likely to require active airway protection allow for a trial of alternative treatments and careful preparation buy 100 mcg proventil with amex. The procedure assumes that the patient may have a full stomach and is at great risk of vomiting and aspiration proventil 100mcg on-line. Rapid sequence intubation is one of the most important skills for the emergency physician and requires careful but quick preparation. Once it has been determined a patient needs endotracheal intubation, if time allows, there are several key steps to follow. These are widely known as the “seven Ps” and are presented in temporal sequence below. Remember, the patient will be paralyzed and the physician is taking complete control over the airway. The question should always be asked how likely is the intubation to be successful? Does the patient have signs of upper airway obstruction, such as drooling or stridor, due to edema, trauma, or mass? Heavy facial hair, a short thick neck, a recessed chin, or a large tongue should all be considered as potential impediments to bag-valve-mask ventilation or oral tracheal intuba- tion. Severe kyphosis or cervical spine immobilization will make intubation more difficult. There are a few rules of airway evaluation that may be helpful in alert and cooperative patients. The patient should be able to insert at least 3 fingers into his/her mouth in the vertical orientation, between the upper and lower front teeth; the hyomental distance (from the hyoid cartilage to the chin) should be at least 3 fingers breadth; and there should be at least 2 fingers breadth between the floor of the mouth and the thyroid cartilage. The patient is asked to stick out his/her tongue while opening the mouth wide as possible. The best view is referred to as “class one” including full visibility of the tonsils, uvula, and soft palate. The more limited class- three and class-four views may be associated with difficult intubations. Prepare Materials It is essential that all equipment is available and working before embarking on this procedure. Necessary pre-intubation equipment includes oral and nasal pharyngeal airways, suction, oxygen, and a bag valve mask. The formula used to predict endotracheal tube size for children ages two and older: (age in years + 16)/4. Airway “rescue” devices should be available and familiar to the provider to be used in difficult intubation scenarios. The medications selected for induction and paralysis should be drawn up and ready. The pur- pose of preoxygenation is to allow for a greater reservoir of oxygen in the lungs via nitrogen washout. Three to five minutes of high-flow O2 is adequate and allows for a substantial apneic period without oxygen desaturation in otherwise healthy patients (see Figure 54–1). Yet bag-valve-mask ventilation of the spontaneously breathing patient is contraindicated because it unnecessarily increases the risk of gastric distension and aspiration. Step 3: Pretreatment Pretreatment is a controversial topic that deserves brief mention. Several medications may be used in sequence in attempt to diminish the effect of airway manipulation on intracranial pressure. Starting a few minutes before induction, fentanyl (3-5 μg/kg) followed by lidocaine (1. In addition, pretreatment may lead to other complications and a delay in intubation. Step 4: Induction and Paralysis Induction involves administering a medication that will quickly and reliably sedate the patient prior to paralysis. Ideally, the seda- tive agent will have little effect on heart rate or blood pressure or cause other ad- verse side effects. A potential downside of etomidate is that it causes transient adrenal suppression. Although the clinical sig- nificance of this effect is uncertain, some physicians avoid etomidate when intubat- ing septic patients. Ketamine is another drug that may be used for induction, ideally suited for patients in status asthmaticus, anaphylactic shock, and sepsis. It is unique in that it leaves airway reflexes protected and does not induce apnea. The only depolarizing agent in common clinical use is succinylcholine which has the most rapid onset and shortest duration of all paralytics. Succinylcholine action at the motor endplate causes potassium efflux, and therefore should be avoided in patients with hyperkalemia. Succinylcholine and its effects on extracellular potassium levels may be pronounced and should be avoided in patients with recent or ongoing neuromuscular disorders, subacute burns, severe debilitation, crush injuries, or rhabdomyolysis. Acute head injury, acute burns, and acute strokes are not contraindications to the use of succinylcholine.

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