
By T. Diego. Anna Maria College. 2018.

The specificity of the immediate hypersensitivity response is predicated on the binding of allergen-specific IgE to the mast cell surface quality ofloxacin 200mg. The process of producing allergen- specific IgE is called sensitization buy ofloxacin 200 mg, and is a necessary prerequisite for the symptoms of immediate hypersensitivity to occur. Allergies and allergic asthma are mediated by mast cell degranulation that is caused by the crosslinking of the antigen-specific IgE molecules on the mast cell surface. The mediators released have various vasoactive effects already discussed, but the major symptoms of inhaled allergens are the nasal edema and runny nose caused by the increased vascular permeability and increased blood flow of nasal blood vessels. As these mediators are released with mast cell degranulation, type I hypersensitivity reactions are usually rapid and occur within just a few minutes, hence the term immediate hypersensitivity. Others develop severe allergies that may cause anaphylactic shock, which can potentially be fatal within 20 to 30 minutes if untreated. This drop in blood pressure (shock) with accompanying contractions of bronchial smooth muscle is caused by systemic mast cell degranulation when an allergen is eaten (for example, shellfish and peanuts), injected (by a bee sting or being administered penicillin), or inhaled (asthma). Because epinephrine raises blood pressure and relaxes bronchial smooth muscle, it is routinely used to counteract the effects of anaphylaxis and can be lifesaving. Patients with known severe allergies are encouraged to keep automatic epinephrine injectors with them at all times, especially when away from easy access to hospitals. In skin testing, allergen extracts are injected into the epidermis, and a positive result of a soft, pale swelling at the site surrounded by a red zone (called the wheal and flare response), caused by the release of histamine and the granule mediators, usually occurs within 30 minutes. The soft center is due to fluid leaking from the blood vessels and the redness is caused by the increased blood flow to the area that results from the dilation of local blood vessels at the site. These immune complexes often lodge in the kidneys, joints, and other organs where they can activate complement proteins and cause inflammation. In delayed hypersensitivity, the first exposure to an antigen is called sensitization, such that on re-exposure, a secondary cellular response results, secreting cytokines that recruit macrophages and other phagocytes to the site. The classical test for delayed hypersensitivity is the tuberculin test for tuberculosis, where bacterial proteins from M. A couple of days later, a positive test is indicated by a raised red area that is hard to the touch, called an induration, which is a consequence of the cellular infiltrate, an accumulation of activated macrophages. A positive tuberculin test means that the patient has been exposed to the bacteria and exhibits a cellular immune response to it. Another type of delayed hypersensitivity is contact sensitivity, where substances such as the metal nickel cause a red and swollen area upon contact with the skin. A much more severe case of contact sensitivity is poison ivy, but many of the harshest symptoms of the reaction are associated with the toxicity of its oils and are not T cell mediated. Somehow, tolerance breaks down and the immune systems in individuals with these diseases begin to attack their own bodies, causing significant damage. The trigger for these diseases is, more often than not, unknown, and the treatments are usually based on resolving the symptoms using immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drugs such as steroids. These diseases can be localized and crippling, as in rheumatoid arthritis, or diffuse in the body with multiple symptoms that differ in different individuals, as is the case with systemic lupus erythematosus (Figure 21. One explanation for the breakdown of tolerance is that, after certain bacterial infections, an immune response to a component of the bacterium cross-reacts with a self-antigen. This mechanism is seen in rheumatic fever, a result of infection with Streptococcus bacteria, which causes strep throat. The antibodies to this pathogen’s M protein cross-react with an antigenic component of heart myosin, a major contractile protein of the heart that is critical to its normal function. The antibody binds to these molecules and activates complement proteins, causing damage to the heart, especially to the heart valves. On the other hand, some theories propose that having multiple common infectious diseases actually prevents autoimmune responses. The fact that autoimmune diseases are rare in countries that have a high incidence of infectious diseases supports this idea, another example of the hygiene hypothesis 1018 Chapter 21 | The Lymphatic and Immune System discussed earlier in this chapter. Overall, there are more than 80 different autoimmune diseases, which are a significant health problem in the elderly. With the use of tissue typing and anti-rejection drugs, transplantation of organs and the control of the anti-transplant immune response have made huge strides in the past 50 years. Although it is clear that the immune system can recognize some cancers and control them, others seem to be resistant to immune mechanisms. When someone is “A positive” for example, the positive refers to the presence of the Rh antigen, whereas someone who is “A negative” would lack this molecule. An interesting consequence of Rh factor expression is seen in erythroblastosis fetalis, a hemolytic disease of the newborn (Figure 21. If the mother has a second Rh-positive child, IgG antibodies against Rh-positive blood mounted during this secondary response cross the placenta and attack the fetal blood, causing anemia. This is a consequence of the fact that the fetus is not genetically identical to the mother, and thus the mother is capable of mounting an immune response against it. These are given to the mother during the first and subsequent births, destroying any fetal blood that might enter her system and preventing the immune response. During the first birth, fetal blood enters the mother’s circulatory system, and anti-Rh antibodies are made.

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Implement the most promising prevention strategy available and reinforce it across the school environment – good practice The field of drug abuse prevention is based on extensive research generic 400 mg ofloxacin overnight delivery. It is not advisable for teachers and other school personnel to try to develop prevention curricula without extensive study and training order ofloxacin 200mg. Anyone who develops a prevention curriculum should have a thorough understanding of the critical ingredients of effective prevention programming. Drug abuse school prevention programs which is based on normative expectance theory and social resistance theory. They teach students that most of the people they admire, including their peers, do not use drugs and do not think drug use is “cool. These programs provide teachers with training, so that they feel comfortable directing discussions about the acceptability of drug use, and eliciting information from students to show that most young people do not approve of drug use. They also use a variety of demonstration techniques, such as having students move to one side of the room or the other depending on whether they agree or disagree to various opinion statements about drugs, to show in a very concrete and public way 12 Mónica Gázquez Pertusa, José Antonio García del Castillo, Diana Serban and Diana Bolanu where they “stand” on an issue. Drug abuse school prevention programs, which are based on effectively resist social influences by media and peers. Students learn about the kinds of influences and pressures they are likely to be exposed to, including media influences, and the subtle messages in advertising. In particular, they learn how to question messages they hear and say no to peers without losing friends. To do this effectively they learn explicit, step-by-step instructions and are given ample time to develop and practice this new skill inside and outside of class. Drug abuse school prevention programs which is based on normative education and social resistance skills training/ social skills. Normative education, social resistance skills training and personal and social skills training are best accomplished using interactive teaching techniques such as: - Brainstorming. It is important that teachers receive training and are comfortable using these techniques and implementing the lessons as program developers intended. These programs have evolved from more traditional models, which are based on the transmission of information and affective approaches, into the most current models. These current models produce their effects by affecting the risk and protective factors associated with drug use; this is done by combining the best didactics and pedagogy of knowledge transmission with cognitive-behavioral techniques based on the development of personal and social skills. The main objective of the current models is to train adolescents to deal with conflict and pressure situations, make decisions and clarify goals. Furthermore, they promote attitudes that are critical toward drug use and favorable to the maintenance of health. In short, these are the personal competencies that act as protective factors for health (Espada, Rosa, and Mendez, 2003). Using as reference the content they include, school-based prevention programs can be classified into: − Traditional approaches. Below the most defining characteristics of each of the school-based preventive approaches developed to date are reviewed through an analysis of the advantages and limitations that evaluative research of these interventions yield. Before the 1960s, the phenomenon of drug use was already beginning to generate concern among governments and groups of health professionals. Nevertheless, the main government policies and measures carried out were based on legislative approaches aimed at reducing the drug supply; such measures did not achieve great results. In the late sixties and coinciding with the commonly called drug epidemic, earlier repressive measures began to be replaced by programs based on the transmission of information and those resorting to fear. The first programs developed assumed that the use of drug occurred because of a lack of information about the risks associated with their consumption. The basic premise from which they started was that if people have adequate knowledge about drugs then they will not have attitudes or intentions to consume them; therefore, they will make rational decisions leading them to not use drugs (Becoña, 2002; Goodstadt, 1978). For this reason, these programs based their plan of action on providing information about negative consequences, drug use patterns, and the pharmacology and process of addiction. The strategies employed in these models were limited to talks given by experts, police officers and ex-drug addicts. Various studies show that these programs, when implemented as the only preventive strategy, have shown some impact on the level of information and very poor results in attitudinal change; they even indicate a possible counter- preventive effect. Because by providing information inappropriate for certain ages, target groups do not perceive messages in the same way that they are transmitted and curiosity regarding the possible pleasurable effects of drugs is piqued. Likewise, they are those least likely to minimize the importance of these negative effects (Gamma, Jerome, Liechti and Sumnall, 2005). The programs framed under this model focus on promoting the personal and social growth of the individual. Without going so far as to conduct a bona fide training in skills, they seek to promote self-esteem and personal growth, values clarification and decision-making through class activities and games. Although this type of program covers many of the factors included in present-day interventions, the strategies they use to do so have no effect whatsoever on drug consumption behavior. This approach, originating in youth recreation centers, started from the following premise: the existence of activities which are as appealing as drug use would replace the space occupied by drugs. It has been shown that although this approach produces beneficial effects in other areas, it does not have an impact on substance consumption behavior. Previous approaches have been based more on intuitive fundamentals than theoretical ones; and perhaps this is the main cause that explains the absence in the efficacy of their results.

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The use of nutrients to build tissues and supply energy at various stages of our life is explained here buy 200 mg ofloxacin fast delivery. For example discount 400mg ofloxacin with amex, a person who weighs 50 kg consists of 31 kilograms of water, 9 kg of protein, 7 kg of fat and 3 kg of minerals. Some minerals are important, for example calcium, which is necessary to build bones and teeth, and iron which helps to build haemoglobin in the blood. Nutrient % Minerals 6% Fat 14% Protein 18% Water 62% ■ How does the body use nutrients? Give examples of foods for each type of nutrient based on your experience of your community. The cell uses nutrients as building materials for the new cell and other nutrients for energy to do the work of building. The cells continue to absorb nutrients and to grow and divide until there are millions of cells which form different tissues such as skin, muscle and bone. The child’s body also makes fluids such as blood, which nourishes and protects the cells. To secrete fluids: The body has to keep making fluids such as saliva, digestive juices, tears and breastmilk because they are continually used up. But if you walk without shoes, you do not get holes in your feet, because new skin cells grow under the old cells to replace them. To repair tissues: After injury or illness, the body makes new cells to repair the damaged tissues. Sometime people are surprised to learn that nutrients are ‘burning’ inside their bodies. Nutrients do really burn – but in a different way from a fire so that there is no fire or smoke. When they ‘burn’ in the cells, they combine with oxygen from the air that we breathe in. They release energy, and they change into carbon dioxide and water, which we breathe out. Function Reason To keep alive Our bodies are ‘turned’ on and use energy from the moment of conception until we die. To build tissues The body uses nutrients such as starch to provide the energy for building. To secrete fluids The body uses energy to secrete fluids such as saliva and breastmilk. To repair tissues After injury or illness, the body uses energy to repair damaged tissues. To move and work We need energy to move muscles, to move our bodies, to walk, to talk, to play, to run and to work. The population group that needs a lot of energy is children because they are very active (they run and play a lot) and their energy needs, based on their body weight are high. Nutrient Use Carbohydrates (starches and sugars) For energy Fibre To keep gut healthy To help digestion Fats For energy To build cells Stored for use as energy when needed Proteins To build cells To make fluids For chemical processes For energy To protect against infection Minerals To build cells To make fluids For chemical processes Vitamins For chemical processes To build cells To protect against infection Water For chemical processes For building cells To make fluids 1. Pregnancy — women do not receive enough care; the work burden of the mothers is not alleviated. Another belief is that pregnant mothers should not consume milk because the baby will have a whitish covering over its head when it is born. The health of your body depends on what you feed it on, just as a healthy plant or anything else will grow better in rich soil and good conditions. As you have learnt in this study session, everybody needs a variety of foods which contain enough different nutrients to keep them alive and healthy. Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health for people of all ages. Healthy people are stronger, more productive, and better able to break cycles of poverty and realise their full potential. Iron deficiency disorder reduces mental capacity and academic achievement of children. Iron deficiency anaemia affects energy levels as well as school attendance and performance. Childhood morbidities are compounded by iron, zinc and other nutrient deficiencies, leading to increased death rates. Nutrition depends on a good environment as this is important for the processes of food production up to its consumption. The availability of some nutrients (for example iodine) depends on a well-maintained environment. In this study session you have learnt about the magnitude of nutritional problems in Ethiopia. In addition, you have gained some knowledge about the basics of nutrition that you will use in your work. Summary of Study Session 1 In Study Session 1, you have learned that: 1 Ethiopia is affected by a high level of undernutrition (acute and chronic malnutrition).

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The four basic tissues of the body are: 1) Epithelium 2) Connective tissue 3) Muscle 4) Nervous tissue Again cheap ofloxacin 200mg on line, we emphasize: All of the organs of the body are composed of varying proportions of the four basic tissues effective 200 mg ofloxacin, and each of the four basic tissues consists of cells and extracellular matrices. Note: The images were scanned from the Histology Slide Collection, which is listed at the end of this manual. In the online version, there are low power thumbnail images of the microscopic slides that have been scanned. Ross and Wojciech Pawlina, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2016 th Junquiera’s Basic Histology, Text and Atlas, 13 ed. Whichever of these you choose, it is advisable to read the appropriate material in preparation for lab and bring the histology text to lab. This book includes some images that are not in the online lab manual and supplements the basic material. Understand and be able to describe how the most common dye combination, hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), stains various components of cells and tissues. Note: There is a more complete description of methods for preparation of histological samples at the end of this laboratory manual (p. The specimen on the microscope slide is a thin section (usually 5 micrometers) of the fixed tissue or organ. Components of the specimen generally stain selectively and, on this basis, various regions of the specimen may be differentiated from each other. These form salts with tissue anions, especially the phosphate groups of the nucleic acids and the sulfate groups of the glycosaminoglycans. When the dye moiety is an anion, the dye is called anionic or acid dye and salt formation occurs with tissue cations including the lysine and arginine groups of tissue proteins. Tissue components that recognize basic dyes are "basophilic" and those that recognize acid dyes are "acidophilic". A common combination of stains is hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), which are commonly referred to as basic and acid dyes, respectively. At lower magnifications they appear as blue dots and at higher magnifications chromatin and nucleoli may be identified within the nucleus. Surrounding the nucleus is the acidophilic cytoplasm stained pink (due to the positive charges on arginine and lysine). The luminal surface (center of the 40x view of colonic mucosa slide) is smooth and consists of pale cells (called Goblet cells), absorptive cells, and enteroendocrine cells that make up the mucosa. The free surface of the cell, facing a lumen, is referred to as the cell apex and the opposite surface is the cell base. Note the intense reaction at the apical surface of the epithelial cells and within scattered goblet cells (containing mucin) at the luminal surface. Note the basophilia in the basal compartment and the acidophilia in the apical (luminal) compartment of the cytoplasm. These cells contain basal surface secretory granules, which release digestive enzymes into nucleus the lumen of the acinus. The lumens of the acini converge into interlobular ducts, secretory granules eventually merging to become the pancreatic duct. A border may be identified at the apex of the cells, which has slightly different optical properties from the remainder of the cell. Under optimum conditions faint striations, oriented parallel to the long axis of the cell, are seen in the border. These are difficult to resolve at the light microscopic level, but with electron microscopy, these striations are seen to be precisely arranged microvilli, containing cores of actin filaments. At the apex of these cells note the pink line, which indicates the presence of the basal bodies that give rise to the cilia. During prophase, the nuclear envelope disperses, replicated chromosomes condense, and the two sister chromatids become attached at a site called the centromere. At anaphase B, the sister chromatids continue to migrate toward the poles and the microtubules of the spindle elongate. During telophase, the sister chromatids reach the poles, the nuclear envelope re-forms and the chromosomes decondense. There are examples of cells at all stanges of the cell cycle since the cells are dividing asynchronously. Assess nuclear envelope breakdown, chromosome condensation, mitotic spindle development, and location of condensed chromosomes in the whitefish mitotic cells. On the basis of these parameters, identify and determine the distinguishing features of cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase (A and B) and telophase. Know the structural characteristics and functional significance of the following organelles and inclusions: nucleus, nucleolus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (two types), mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, microtubules, cilia, microvilli, glycogen, lipid, peroxisomes. Relate characteristics of particular epithelia to their function, keeping in mind their essential features including junctions, apical modifications, and polarity.

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