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Regulation of compliance with require- an international basis only in the last two decades generic 200mg vantin mastercard, ments by ethics committees is also developing in except for the United States where rules were some parts of the world (e discount 200 mg vantin with amex. Auditing, by Europe for all trials of investigational medicinal definition, must be undertaken by personnel who products. Further, it is now a legal requirement in are independent of the research being audited. Although inspection has been a regulatory must assess and choose a site where study subjects 12. Review must continue throughout the study Informed consent: All study subjects must be given the opportunity to personally assess the risk of study participation by being provided with certain information. Data must be reviewed by site personnel, monitors and data processing personnel Control of study medications/devices: The product being studied must be managed so that study subjects ultimately receive a safe product and full accountability can be documented Archives: Documentation of research activities must be securely retained to provide evidence of activities will not be harmed. It for- of choice is that there are too few patients or mally describes how a clinical study will be con- investigators in a particular therapeutic area. Protocols Setting up clinical studies is a lengthy process, as must be prepared in accordance with a specified there are many documents to prepare [e. In Any document used to collect research data on addition, as will be dealt with in subsequent sec- clinical study subjects may be generically classed tions, ethical aspects of the study must be consid- as a data collection form. The and informed consent requirements), and study most common type of data collection form is the medications/devices must be organized. Before any study subject is treated, review by ally accepted standard for ‘qualified’ usually the committee must be documented in compliance encompasses three main criteria: medically quali- with international guidelines and the local regula- fied, that is legally licensed to practise medicine as a tions of the country in which the research is con- physician; experienced in the relevant therapeutic ducted. Clinical studies begin (for the study specialty; and experienced in clinical research. A separate poses personal questions, the study begins when investigator agreement, specifying all responsi- those procedures are undertaken. It is a common bilities, is usually necessary in addition to the pro- misconception that studies begin only when study tocol to emphasize certain aspects of the protocol. If more than one investigator is involved at a specific study site, the specific responsibilities must be described for each investigator. Generally, ethics committees also accordance with all applicable laws and regula- have to be diverse in composition. In other words, committee review is the protocol, accurate and complete data capture an ongoing responsibility that extends beyond the and standardization across sites in a multicenter initial submission and review of documents to study. In general, study sites should be visited by a monitor at least every four to six weeks. Most committees will be particularly interested in these documents to ensure that all necessary information is provided to study subjects Suitability of investigator and facilities, including support personnel. The committee will be particularly interested in allocation of resources, whether the investigator has enough time and study subjects to conduct the study, and whether use of resources for clinical studies will detract from normal medical care requirements Delegation of responsibility by investigators Source of study subjects and means of recruitment. The committee will wish to know if study subjects are known to investigators and, if not (i. The committee will wish to determine that advertisements are not unduly coercive or misleading or too ‘inviting’ Appropriateness (eligibility) of study subjects (described in the protocol) Primary care physician to be informed of study participation Number of subjects to be studied and justification for sample size (this information should be in the protocol). The committee will be interested in how many subjects will be exposed to the risk of treatment. Also, the committee can verify, by reviewing the brochure or product labeling, that the information sheet for obtaining consent provides sufficient information with regard to safety Evidence of regulatory submission and review/approval (if applicable). Committees particularly wish to know whether the drug/device is on the market in their country or in other countries, and the details of the stage of the submission Adequacy of confidentiality safeguards, with regard to protection of identification of the study subject (described in the protocol and the appended information sheet and consent form) Insurance provisions, if any, for injury to study subjects (described in the protocol or provided as a separate document). Committees must determine that the amount, and schedule of payments, is not unduly coercive Benefits, if any, to study subjects Payments or rewards to be made to investigators. More frequent review may be necessary, depending on the working procedures of each individual ethics committee Final clinical report/summary of study. At the beginning of a terms ‘protocol violations’ and ‘protocol amend- study, monitoring may be even more frequent. Perhaps the easiest way to The monitor will be ever-vigilant for protocol explain the difference is to stress that violations violations which can occur during a study and are not planned changes (hopefully) to the proto- which can have a serious impact on eligibility col, whereas protocol amendments are planned and evaluability. Many researchers confuse the changes and are enacted through a formal approval Table 12. The person receiving the information and giving consent must sign the consent form. This is usually the study subject, but may be the study subject’s legally acceptable representative (depending on national regulations) in the event that the study subject is incapable of providing informed consent, for example the subject is unable to write or understand the consent documents, or the study subject is in a ‘vulnerable’ population, for example children, elderly. Informed consent must be obtained before the start of the study The person providing the information and obtaining consent must sign the consent form. This person should be an investigator who must be qualified to adequately inform the study subject, and her/his signature also indicates personal involvement in the consent process. If other personnel, for example study nurses assist in providing information or obtaining consent, they should also sign the consent form, clearly describing their role in the consent procedure A witness or patient advocate should be present during the consent procedure at the times of providing information and giving consent, and should sign the consent form. The witness will ensure that there was no coercion in the obtaining of informed consent and that the study subject was given adequate time to consider participation in the study.

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Interferonß-1B (betaseron) and interferonß-1a (avonex) These are used to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses buy 200mg vantin mastercard. Copolymer 1 This drug is in clinical trials and appears to decrease the disease’s activity cheap vantin 100mg with visa. Copaxone (glatiramer acetate injection) This drug reduces new brain lesions and the frequency of relapses in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Part of the patient’s brain that controls thought, memory, and language becomes impaired. Alzheimer’s disease affects 5% of people between 65 and 74 years of age and half of those older than 85 years. Although the cause of Alzheimer’s disease remains unknown, investigators have discovered Alzheimer’s patients have abnormal clumps of amyloid plaques and tangled bundles of fibers called neurofibrillary tangles in parts of their brain. Amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, and decreased chemical levels impair thinking and memory by disrupting these messages and causing nerve cells to die. Eventually, the patient loses mental capacity and the ability to carry out daily activities. Although there isn’t a treatment that stops Alzheimer’s disease, there are medications that provide some relief to patients who are in the early and middle stages of the disease. Tacrine (Cognex), donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Reminyl) These drugs prevent some symptoms from becoming worse for a limited time. Tranquilizers, mood elevators, and sedatives These can help control behavioral symptoms such as sleeplessness, agitation, wandering, anxiety, and depression. Effects of Cholinergic and Anticholinergic Drugs Body Tissue Cholinergic Response Anticholinergic Response Cardiovascular* Decreases heart rate, lowers blood Increases heart rate with pressure due to vasodilation, large doses. Eye+ Increases papillary constriction, Dilates pupils of the eye or miosis (pupil becomes smaller), (mydriasis) and paralyzes and increases accommodation ciliary muscle (cycloplegia), (flattening or thickening of eye causing a decrease in lens for distant or near vision). Glandular* Increases salivation, perspiration, Decreases salivation, and tears sweating, and bronchial secretions. Bronchi (lung)* Stimulates bronchial smooth Dilates the bronchi and muscle contraction and increases decreases bronchial bronchial secretions. Striated muscle+ Increases neuromuscular Decreases tremors and transmission and maintains rigidity of muscles. Central nervous system Drowsiness, disorientation, and hallucination can result from large doses. Seventy-five percent of persons with seizures had their first seizure before 18 years of age. These include grand mal (tonic-clonic), petit mal (absence), and psychomotor seizures. Hydantoins (phenytoin, mephenytoin, ethotoin) These treat grand mal (tonic-clonic) seizures and psychomotor seizures. Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, mephobarbital, primidone) These are used for treating grand mal and acute episodes or status epilepticus; meningitis, toxic reactions, and eclampsia Succinimides (ethosuximide) These are used to treat absence seizures and may be used in combination with other anticonvulsants. Oxazolidones (trimethadione) This is used to treat petit mal seizures and may be used in combination with other drugs or singly for treating refractory petit mal seizures. Benzodiazepines (diazepam, clonazepam) These are effective in controlling petit mal seizures. Carbamazepine This is effective in treating refractory seizure disorders that have not responded to other anticonvulsant therapies. It is also used to control grand mal and partial seizures and a combination of these seizures. Valproate (valproic acid) This is used to treat petit mal, grand mal, and mixed types of seizures. It can suppress the sodium influx by binding to the sodium channel pro- longing the channel’s inactivation and preventing neurons from firing. Antipsychotics Psychosis is a disorder that is characterized by a number of symptoms. These include difficulty processing information and reaching a conclusion; experienc- ing delusions or hallucinations; being incoherent or in a catatonic state; or demonstrating aggressive violent behavior. Schizophrenia is a chronic psychotic disorder where patients exhibit either positive or negative symptoms. Positive symptoms are exaggeration of normal function such as agitation, incoherent speech, hallucination, delusion, and paranoia. Negative symptoms are characterized by a decrease or loss of motiva- tion or function such as social withdrawal, poor selfcare, and a decrease in the content of speech. Psychosis is caused by an imbalance in the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. Antipsychotic medication, also known as dopamine antagonists, block the D2 dopamine receptors in the brain thereby reducing the psychotic symptoms.

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Their metabolism is adapted to a low redox potential and vital enzymes are in- 3 hibited by O2 order vantin 100mg with visa. These bacteria oxidize nutrient substrates with- out using elemental oxygen although cheap vantin 100mg visa, unlike obligate anaerobes, theycan tol- erate it. The principle of the biochemical unity of life asserts that all life on earth is, in essence, the same. Thus, the catabolic intermediary metabolism of bacteria is, for the most part, equiva- lent towhat takes place in eukaryotic cells. The reader is referred to textbooks of general microbiology for exhaustive treatment of the pathways of inter- mediary bacterial metabolism. Anabolic Reactions It is not possible to go into all of the biosynthetic feats of bacteria here. Some bacteria are even capable of using aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds as an energy source. It is hoped that the metabolic capabilities of these bacteria will help control the effects of oil spills in surface water. Bacteria have also been enlisted in the fight against hunger: certain bacteria and fungi are cultivated on aliphatic hydrocarbon substrates, which supplycarbon and energy, then harvested and processed into a protein powder (single cell protein). Culturing of bacteria in nutrient mediums based on methanol is another approach being used to pro- duce biomass. One form such control activity takes is regulation of the activities of existing enzymes. Many enzymes are allosteric proteins that can be inhibited or activated by the final products of metabolic pathways. One highly economical type of regulation controls the synthesis of 3 enzymes at the genetic transcription or translation level (see the section on the molecular basis of bacterial genetics (p. Growth and Culturing of Bacteria Nutrients The term bacterial culture refers to proliferation of bacteria with a suitable nutrient substrate. Other necessities include sources of carbon and nitrogen for synthesis of specific bacterial compounds as well as minerals such as sul- fur, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and trace elements as enzyme activa- tors. Nutrient agar liquefies when heated to 1008C and does not return to the gel state until cooled to 458C. Selective mediums Contain inhibitor substances that allow only certain bacteria to proliferate. The Physiology of Metabolism and Growth in Bacteria 165 Growth and Cell Death Bacteria reproduce asexually by means of simple transverse binary fission. The time required for a reproduction cycle (G) is called the generation time (g) and can vary greatly from species to species. Fast-growing bacteria cultivated in vitro have a gen- eration time of 15–30 minutes. Obligate anaerobes grow much more slowly than aerobes; this is true in vitro as well. Of course the generation time also depends on the nutrient con- tent of the medium. The so-called normal growth curve for bacteria is obtained by inoculat- ing a nutrient broth with bacteria the metabolism of which is initially quies- cent, counting them at intervals and entering the results in a semilog coor- dinate system (Fig. The lag phase (A) is characterized by an increase in bacterial mass per unit of volume, but no increase in cell count. During this phase, the metabolism of the bacteria adapts to the conditions of the nutrient medium. In the following log (or exponential) phase (C), the cell count in- creases logarithmically up to about 109/ml. This is followed by growth decel- eration and transition to the stationary phase (E) due to exhaustion of the nutrients and the increasing concentration of toxic metabolites. The generation time can only be determined dur- ing phase C, either graphically or by determining the cell count (n) at two different times and applying the formula: t2 À t1 g ¼ : log2 n2 À log2 n1 Normal Growth Curve of a Bacterial Culture Fig. F A B (Hours) Time (Days) Kayser, Medical Microbiology © 2005 Thieme All rights reserved. The number of living cells in a given culture or material can be determined by means of the colony counting method. Using the pour platetechnique, each dilution is mixed with 1 ml of liquid agar and poured out in a plate. The simplest way to determine the mass is by means of photometric ad- sorption measurement. The increases in mass and cell count run parallel during phase C on the growth curve.

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This reabsorption can be reduced by the use of suitable substances in the dosage form generic 100mg vantin with mastercard, for example discount vantin 100 mg fast delivery, the ion exchange resin cholestyramine is used to reduce cholesterol levels by preventing its reabsorption. Bioavailability is not constant but varies with the body’s physio- logical condition. It is now known that a drug is most effective when its shape and electron distribution, that is, its stereoelectronic structure, is complementary to the steroelectronic structure of the active site or receptor. The role of the medicinal chemist is to design and synthesize a drug structure that has the maximum beneficial effects with a minimum of toxic side effects. The stereo- chemistry of the drug is particularly important, as stereoisomers often have different biological effects, which range from inactive to highly toxic (see Table 2. At the begining of the 19th century it was largely carried out by individuals but it now requires teamwork, the members of the team being specialists in various fields, such as medicine, biochemistry, chemistry, computerized molecular modelling, pharma- ceutics, pharmacology, microbiology, toxicology, physiology and pathology. It also introduces the stereochemical and water solubility factors that should be taken into account when selecting a structure for a lead compound. These objectives will normally require a detailed assessment of the pathology of the disease and in some cases basic biochemical research will be necessary before initiating a drug design investigation (Figure 3. The information obtained is used by the team to decide what intervention would be most likely to bring about the desired result. Once the point of intervention has been selected, the team has to propose a structure for a lead compound that could possibly bring about the required change. This frequently requires an extensive literature and database search to identify compounds found in the organism (endogenous compounds) and compounds that are not found in the organism (exogenous compounds) that have some biological effect at the intervention site. Molecular modelling techniques (see Chapter 5) are sometimes used to help the team reach a decision. In many cases, a number of structures are found to be suitable, but the expense of producing drugs dictates that the team has to choose only one or two of these compounds to either act as the lead or to be the inspiration for the lead compound. Assessment of the biochemical and biological processes of the disease and/or its cause. This uses a simultaneous multiple synthesis technique to produce large numbers of potential leads. These potential leads are subjected to rapid high throughput biological screening to identify the most active lead compounds. Once the structure of the proposed lead has been agreed, it becomes the responsibility of the medicinal chemist to devise a synthetic route and prepare a sample of this compound for testing. Once synthesized, the compound undergoes initial pharmacological and toxicological testing. The results of these tests enable the team to decide whether it is profitable to continue development by preparing analogues (Figure 3. The usual scenario is to prepare a series of analogues, measure their activity and correlate the results to determine the structure with optimum activity. The selection of a lead compound and the development of a synthetic path- way for its preparation (see Chapters 10 and 11) is not the only consideration at the start of an investigation. Researchers must also devise suitable in vivo and in vitro tests to assess the activity and toxicity of the compounds produced. There is no point in carrying out an expensive synthetic procedure if at the end of the day it is impossible to test the product. Consequently, the overall shape of the structure of a molecule is an important consideration when designing an analogue. Some structural features impose a considerable degree of rigidity on a structure, whilst others make the structure more flexible. Other structures give rise to stereoisomers, which can exhibit different potencies, types of activity and unwanted side effects (see Table 2. This means that it is necessary to pharma- cologically evaluate individual stereoisomers and racemates. Consequently, one must take into account all these stereochemical features when proposing struc- tures for potential leads and analogues. However, the extent to which one can exploit these structural features will depend on our knowledge of the structure and biochemistry of the target biological system. The former includes esters and amides as well as aliphatic conjugated systems, aromatic and heteroaromatic ring systems. The binding of these rigid structures to a target site can give infor- mation about the shape of that site as well as the nature of the interaction between the site and the ligand. Furthermore, the fact that the structure is rigid means it may be replaced by alternative rigid structures of a similar size and shape to form analogues, which may have different binding characteris- tics and possibly as a result a different activity or potency (see sections 2. Archer also concluded that a ligand appeared to assume different conformations when it bound to the different sub-types of a receptor.

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