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By R. Riordian. American InterContinental University.

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The electron-donating phenolic hydroxyl group cheap ketoconazole cream 15gm with visa, on the other hand order 15 gm ketoconazole cream with amex, desta- bilizes the carboxylate anion by charge repulsion, making the substituted acid weaker. The pKa of a drug is important to its pharmacological activity since it influences both the absorption and the passage of the drug through cell membranes. In some cases, only the ionic form of a drug is active under biological conditions. Drug transport during the pharmacokinetic phase represents a compromise between the increased solubility of the ionized form of a drug and the increased ability of the non- ionized form to penetrate the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. A drug must cross many lipid barriers as it travels to the receptor that is its site of action. Ionic drugs are also more hydrated; they may therefore be “bulkier” than nonionic drugs. As a rule of thumb, drugs pass through membranes in an undissociated form, but act as ions (if ionization is a possibility). A pKa in the range of 6–8 would therefore seem to be most advantageous, because the nonionized species that passes through lipid membranes has a good probability of becoming ionized and active within this pKa range. This consid- eration does not relate to compounds that are actively transported through such membranes. A high degree of ionization can prevent drugs from being absorbed from the gastroin- testinal tract and thus decrease their systemic toxicity. This is an advantage in the case of externally applied disinfectants or antibacterial sulfanilamides, which are meant to remain in the intestinal tract to fight infection. Also, some antibacterial aminoacridine derivatives are active only when fully ionized. Ionization can also play a role in the electrostatic interaction between ionic drugs and the ionized protein side chains of drug receptors. Therefore, when conducting experiments on drug–receptor binding, it is advis- able to regulate protein dissociation by using a buffer. The degree of ionization of any compound can be easily calculated from the Henderson–Hasselbach equation: % ionized = 100/(1 + antilog [pH − pKa]) (1. The latter method provides very accurate electron-density maps, but only of molecules in the solid state; it cannot be used to pro- vide maps of the nonequilibrium conformers of a molecule in a physiological solution. To provide easily obtained yet rigorous assessments of electron distribution properties, quantum mechanics calculations are now employed (see section 1. Molecular quantum mechanics calculations provide several methods for calculating the orbital energies of atoms, combining the individual atomic orbitals into molecular orbitals, and deriving from the latter the probability of finding an electron at any atom in the molecule— which is tantamount to determining the electron density at any atom. There are several methods for doing this, with varying degrees of sophistication, accuracy, and reliability. These calculations permit quantification of the charge density on any atom in a drug molecule. Such atomic electron density values may be used when correlating molecu- lar structure with biological activity during the drug molecular optimization process. In addition to providing values for charge densities on individual atoms, quantum mechanics calculations may also be used to determine the energies of delocalized orbitals; such energy values may also be used when correlating molecular structure with pharmacologic activity. They are expressed in β units (a quantum-chemical energy parameter whose value varies from 150 to 300 U/mol). In addition to providing insights concerning correlation of molecular structure with pharmacologic bioactivity, quantum mechanics calculations of electron distribution may also be employed to understand the molecular basis of drug toxicity. For instance, overall p-electron density of polycyclic hydrocarbons has traditionally been assumed to correlate with the carcinogenicity of these compounds. According to this hypothesis, defined reac- tive regions on the molecule undergo metabolism to form reactive intermediates such as epoxides, which react with cell constituents such as the basic nitrogen atoms in nucleic acids. Although this model has been widely cited in the literature, it is appropriate to warn the reader that, however attractive, it is seriously questioned. However, p-electron density is very important in the chemical reactivity of aromatic rings. The synthetic preparation of new molecules is challenging, time consuming, and expensive. Theoretical chemistry, combined with modern compu- tational methods, offers a powerful solution to this prediction dilemma. The docking of a drug with its receptor site is a precise interaction between two mole- cules. The success of this interaction is dependent upon the geometry, conformation and electronic properties of the two molecules. Designing drugs requires techniques for deter- mining and predicting the geometry, conformation, and electronic properties of both small molecules (i.

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Accordingly purchase ketoconazole cream 15 gm on-line, selection of the more appropriate approach depends to a large extent on the particular question being addressed order 15 gm ketoconazole cream overnight delivery. Attempts have been successfully made to com- bine the use of the two in vivo probe drugs by administering them concurrently (325). However, the simultaneous administration of midazolam by the oral and intravenous routes would appear to be a more rigorous and informative approach (314,324), providing the necessary analytical instrumentation is available. It is likely that a similar level of investigation will occur with the other isoforms that have more recently been shown to have rare or polymorphic variant alleles, e. A future critical issue, therefore, will be to establish any functional significance of these mutant alleles by appropriate in vitro approaches and, importantly, to confirm that a genotype:phenotype relation- ship exists and is important in the in vivo setting. Such studies will be facilitated by the availability of new, simple, reliable, and valid phenotypic trait measures for the isoforms of interest. However, identification of a selective probe, even for in vitro studies, has been problematic (326,328), although the N-demethylation of S-mephenytoin to nirvanol shows promise in this regard (328,329). Unfortunately, the substrate concentrations used with this putative probe make it unsuitable for in vivo phenotyping, since they are rarely encountered in humans (329). All of the available in vivo probes and associated trait measures appear to be sufficiently sensitive and suitable for evaluating changes/differences in the particular isoform’s level of activity. Accordingly, they may be applied to investigating the presence or absence of a drug interaction and provide insight into its mechanism. Selection of the most appropriate approach, when several in vivo probes or trait measures are available for a particular isoform, depends to a large extent on the purpose of the study. Incorporating several in vivo probes into a cocktail strategy further facilitates this goal. On the other hand, more quantitative questions related to the extent to which metabolism is inhibited or induced and to sites of interaction (intestine versus liver) may require the use of trait values based on more direct measures, such as clearance approaches. Regardless, interpretation of any change in 622 Wilkinson the trait measure is critically dependent on an understanding of its basis and limitations. Finally, it should be appreciated that the in vivo evaluation of enzyme activity is in most cases complementary to information obtained by applying the approaches of molecular genetics. However, it has the added advantage that it also reflects the contributions of other determinants, including the effects of environmental factors and disease states; moreover, in many instances, phenotyping has direct therapeutic relevance. Keynote address: man, mice, microsomes, metabolites, and mathematics— 40 years after the revolution. Assessment of urinary 6(3-hydroxycortisol as an in vivo index of mixed- function oxygenase activity. Human liver microsomal steroid metabolism: identification of the major microsomal steroid hormone 6b-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450 enzyme. Absence of correlations among three putative in vivo probes of human cytochrome P4503A activity in young healthy men. Route of administration does not explain the lack of correlation between putative in vivo probes of cytochrome P4503A. Modification of paclitaxel metabolism in a cancer patient by induction of cytochrome P450 3A4. Polymorphic drug oxidation: phar- macokinetic basis and comparison of experimental indices. Genetic predisposition to bladder cancer: ability to hydroxylate debrisoquine and mephenytoin as risk factors. Mephenytoin hydroxylation deficiency in Caucasians: frequency of a new oxidative drug metabolism poly- morphism. Assessment of cytochrome P4502E1 induction in alcoholic patients by chlorzoxazone pharmacokinetics. Use of chlorzoxazone as an in vivo probe of cytochrome P450 2E1: choice of dose and phenotypic trait measure. S-Mephenytoin hydroxylation phenotypes in a Swedish population determined after coadministration with debrisoquin. Differential effects of qui- nidine on the disposition of nifedipine, sparteine, and mephenytoin in humans. Validation of the five-drug ‘‘Pittsburgh cocktail’’ approach for assessment of selective regulation of drug-metabolizing enzymes. Lack of pharmacokinetic interaction between dextromethorphan, coumarin and mephenytoin in man after simultaneous administration. Chloroquine modulation of specific metabolizing enzymes activities: investigation with selective five drug cocktail. Quantification of dextromethorphan and metabolites: a dual phenotypic marker for cytochrome P450 3A4/5 and 2D6 activity.

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