
By B. Phil. Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley.

Even with the varieties of oral lavage solutions available nowadays 50mg endep mastercard, the concept that mechanical bowel preparation reduces postoperative complication has been very much doubted and disapproved by various trials order endep 50mg on line. This study arms to find out whether right hernicolectomy and extended right herraicolectomy without mechanical bowel preparations achieve outcomes cornparable to the traditional method. Elective right hemicolectomy done for both benign and malignant conditions were included in this study. A total 30 patients were included in this study during the study period of 2 years and 3 months. They were grouped into group A and group B according to the serial number (odd and even). Light diets two days before operation and liquid diet the day before operation was instructed to both groups. In both groups, oral antibiotics (neomycin lg and metronidazole 400mg 8 hourly) were given two days before operation. Prophylactic parenteral antibiotics (third generation cephalosporin 1g and metronidazole 500mg) were given before the induction of anaesthesia and continued for 48 hours. There were 8 male and 7 female patients in group A and 6 male and 9 female patients in group B. Preoperative diagnoses were obtained by clinical radiological investigations and by colonoscopy. Those intestinal tuberculosis showed improvement in appetite, weight gain and sense of well being. Although there is no difference in mortality and morbidity between the two groups statistically, with such a small sample, it is rather not strong enough to conclude that right hemicolectomy without mechanical bowel preparation is comparable in outcome to the traditional method. The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combined epidural technique by comparing with the conventional narcotic based general anaesthesia. Sixty patients to be operated for lower abdominal operations were randomly allocated into two groups. Thirty patients from the control group were operated under narcotic based general anaesthesia and patients from the study group were operated under combined epidural and general anaesthesia technique. Post-operative recovery status and duration of post-operative residual analgesia were also recorded. The rises in blood pressure during operation were less than 25% of the baseline value and clinically not seriously important. The rises in systolic pressure, diastolic pressure arid mean arterial pressure are statistically significant by comparing with the data of the study group. But these data show that conventional narcotic base general anaesthesia technique was less efficient to obtund the sympathoadrenal response to surgery and anaesthetic procedure. In contrast, the rises in systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were less significant in study group than in control group. There was some fall in systolic bloc pressure, diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure in early period of operation. But the fall in blood pressure was less than 25% of the base line values and symptoms attributed to hypotension such as nausea, vomiting and restlessness were not found. There was statistically significant higher differences in control group than in study group (p<0. Means of the pre-operative blood glucose level of the patients in control group and study group were 88. After operation, higher blood glucose was found in control group than in study group. Thirty minutes after reversing from effect of muscle relaxant, all the patients from study group got fitness for discharge from recovery area. At that time 10 of the patients from control group are still less than recovery score 8. Delay recovery may be related to the effect of narcotic which was used in control group. It may be due to stable blood pressure, effective analgesia (reflex suppression) and avoidance of narcotic drugs in study group. In conclusion, newer technique combined epidural and general anaesthesia may be efficient enough to fulfill the required condition during operation and gap between the optimal condition and present condition may be narrowed. The sympathetic supply of the stomach was by the greater splanchnic nerves through the coeliac plexus. The roots of the greater splanchnic nerves arose from as high as 4th thoracic ganglion and as low as 10th thoracic ganglion: even variable origins in each side of the same specimen were observed. In the majority of cases, the segmental origin of the greater spanchnic nerve was found to come th th from the 6 to 9 thoracic ganglia (78% on the right side and 84% on the left side). In most of the cases, the parasympathetic nerves were seen to arise from a single anterior vagus and, a single posterior vagus (73. However, in 8 cases, two anterior vagal trunks and one posterior vagal trunk were seen (17. The histological examination of the distribution and the mode of termination of the gastric nerves were determined in the stomachs of 15 human adults, 3 human fetuses, 8 albino rat, and 4 specimens from operative biopsy tissue by using various neurohistological and histochemical techniques.

Moskva becomes Moscow Wien becomes Vienna Italia becomes Italy Espana becomes Spain Examples for Author Affiliation 5 cheap endep 10 mg with visa. Books 165 Box 83 No title can be found Occasionally a publication does not appear to have any title; the book or other short document simply begins with the text cheap 50mg endep mastercard. In this circumstance: Construct a title from the first few words of the text Use enough words to make the constructed title meaningful Place the constructed title in square brackets Example: Alizai S, Zia A. Edition for the Volume (required) General Rules for Edition Indicate the edition/version being cited after the title when a volume is published in more than one edition or version Abbreviate common words (see Abbreviation rules for editions below) Capitalize only the first word of the edition statement, proper nouns, and proper adjectives Express numbers representing editions in arabic ordinals. Examples : becomes o becomes u Books 169 Do not convert numbers or words for numbers to arabic ordinals as is the practice for English language publications. Box 88 First editions If a book does not carry any statement of edition, assume it is the first or only edition 170 Citing Medicine Use 1st ed. Volume with edition Editor and other Secondary Authors for the Volume (optional) General Rules for Editor and other Secondary Authors A secondary author modifies the work of the author. Box 91 Non-English names for secondary authors Translate the word found for editor, translator, illustrator, or other secondary author into English if possible. Box 96 No place of publication can be found If no place of publication can be found on the title page or its verso (back), but one can be found elsewhere in the publication or can be reasonably inferred (e. Volume with geographic qualifier added to place of publication for clarity Publisher for the Volume (required) General Rules for Publisher A publisher is defined as the individual or organization issuing the volume Record the name of the publisher as it appears in the publication, using whatever capitalization and punctuation is found there Abbreviate well-known publisher names if desired but with caution to avoid confusion. Volume with unknown publisher Date of Publication for the Volume (required) General Rules for Date of Publication Always give the year of publication Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers. Box 104 Non-English names for months Translate names of months into English Abbreviate them using the first three letters Capitalize them Examples: mayo = May luty = Feb brezen = Mar Box 105 Seasons instead of months Translate names of seasons into English Capitalize them Do not abbreviate them For example: balvan = Summer outomno = Fall hiver = Winter pomlad = Spring Box 106 Date of publication and date of copyright Some publications have both a date of publication and a date of copyright. Box 107 No date of publication, but a date of copyright A copyright date is identified by the symbol, the letter "c", or the word copyright preceding the date. Box 108 No date of publication or copyright can be found If neither a date of publication nor a date of copyright can be found, but a date can be estimated because of material in the volume itself or on accompanying material, insert a question mark after the estimated date and place date information in square brackets Bombay: Cardiological Society of India; [1980? Box 111 Roman numerals used as page numbers If all of the pages (not just the introductory pages) of a volume have roman numerals instead of the usual arabic numbers: Convert the roman numeral on the last page of the text to an arabic number Follow the number by "p. If the entire publication has no page numbers: Count the total number of pages of the text Express the total as leaves, not pages End with a period Example: 37 leaves. Standard volume with a separate title and separate authors/editors for each volume 19. Volume in a set continuously paginated Physical Description for the Volume (optional) General Rules for Physical Description Give information on the physical characteristics if a volume is published in a microform (microfilm, microfiche, etc. Series for the Volume (optional) General Rules for Series Begin with the name of the series Capitalize only the first word and proper nouns Follow the name with any numbers provided. Box 115 Non-English names for volume Use the word for volume of the particular language. Box 116 Numbers labeled other than volume Most books in multivolume sets are identified by volume numbers, such as vol. When other names are used: Abbreviate them and end the abbreviated words with a period Section = sect. Standard volume with a separate title and separate authors/editors for each volume 22. Volume without a series number Language for the Volume (required) General Rules for Language Give the language of publication if not English Capitalize the language name Follow the language name with a period Specific Rules for Language Volumes appearing in more than one language Box 117 Volumes appearing in more than one language If a volume is written with equal text in two or more languages, as often occurs in Canadian publications: Give all titles in the order in which they are presented on the title page Separate them with an equals sign with a space on either side List the languages after the pagination Capitalize the language names Separate the language names by commas End the list of languages with a period Example: Klunker W. Synthetic repertory: psychic and general symptoms of the homeopathic materia medica = Repertoire synthetique: symptomes psychiques et generaux de la matiere medicale homeopathique = Synthetisches Reportorium: Gemuts- und Allgemeinsymptome der homoopathischen Materia medica; vol. Yttre arbetsmiljofaktorer som halsorisker bland halso- och sjukvardspersonal [Health risks in the work environment of health care personnel]. Esthetic problems of individual teeth, missing teeth, malocclusion, special populations. Box 120 Other types of material to include in notes The notes element may be used to provide any further information. Some examples of notes are: If the volume is available from a distributor rather than the publisher, give the name of the distributor, its location, and any accession or finding number. Other types of notes Examples of Citations to Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Author/Editors 1. Synthetic repertory: psychic and general symptoms of the homeopathic materia medica = Repertoire synthetique: symptomes psychiques et generaux de la matiere medicale homeopathique = Synthetisches Reportorium: Gemuts- und Allgemeinsymptome der homoopathischen Materia hedica; vol. Volume with series title published with equal text in two or more languages Klunker W. Synthetic repertory: psychic and general symptoms of the homeopathic materia medica = Repertoire synthetique: symptomes psychiques et generaux de la matiere medicale homeopathique = Synthetisches Reportorium: Gemuts- und Allgemeinsymptome der Homoopathischen Materia Medica; vol. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Parts of Books The general format for a reference to a part of a book, including pagination: 194 Citing Medicine Examples of Citations to Parts of Books Rather than citing a book as a whole, separately identified portions of a book may be cited. They are contributions when the book has an overall editor or editors and the individual chapters or other components in the book are written by various authors, usually called contributors. In general, most modern texts have standardized to three types of parts: figures, tables, and appendixes. Because a reference should start with the individual or organization with responsibility for the intellectual content of the publication: Begin a reference to a part of a book with the book itself, then follow it with information about the part.

They are useful in treating infections of the eyes endep 50 mg free shipping, mucous membranes discount endep 10 mg on-line, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. The dosage of sulfonamide drug must then be increased in order to restore competitive inhibition. Some bacteria express resistance through mutations in the target enzyme, whereby it has a lower affinity for the drug, and through changes in the cell membrane, which prevent uptake of the drug. Inhibitors of cell wall synthesis: The -lactam antibiotics This group of antibiotics is the best known and most widely used, and may be divided into two main groups; the penicillins and the cephalosporins. The groups differ only in the nature of the rings appended to the -lactam moiety. These drugs were at the th forefront of the healthcare revolution of the 20 century, which saw previously incurable and debilitating diseases remedied and controlled. Structure of penicillins Penicillin molecules all contain a highly strained 4-membered -lactam ring fused to a 5-membered thiazolidene ring. The -lactam ring is unstable and is primarily responsible H H H R N S M e 1 6 5 2 4 Thiazolidene ring O N 3 M e O C O 2 H -Lactam ring Fig 7. This overlap between the nitrogen lone pair and the carbonyl system has two consequences. Firstly, it renders the carbon atom less electrophilic, and therefore less susceptible to nucleophilic attack in comparison with aldehydes, ketones and esters. This prevents the overlap of the nitrogen lone pair with the adjacent carbonyl system, and thus the -lactam carbonyl is much more electrophilic than a normal amide, and is therefore susceptible to nucleophilic attack. The lone pair on the nitrogen is readily protonated under acidic conditions, making the -lactam ring sensitive to strong acids. Thus, the -lactam ring system in penicillins and cephalosporins is very susceptible to ring-opening under strongly acidic and basic conditions, and by strong nucleophiles. Synthesis of penicillin analogues Penicillin analogues were originally synthesized by a fermentation process, in which different carboxylic acid derivatives were added to yield penicillins containing different 6-amido derivatives. The principle disadvantage of this approach was that not all carboxylic acids were biologically acceptable, and thus only a limited number of analogues could be prepared. A large number of 6-amido derivatives can then be prepared by chemical reaction with acyl chlorides. Amide cis Stereochemistry H H H R N S M e 1 6 5 2 O 4 N 3 M e O -Lactam C O 2 H Free carboxylate Fig. The bicyclic ring system containing the -lactam is crucial, as are the cis relationship between the two hydrogens at positions 5 and 6, a free 3-carboxylate and a 6-amide. The bacterial cell wall consists of sugar and peptide units (referred to as peptidoglycans) joined together in a specific manner. The exact structure comprises a parallel series of sugar backbones to which peptides are appended. Throughout nature on planet Earth, L-amino acids prevail almost universally (in proteins and enzymes in all organisms), but there are some notable exceptions, like the peptide components of bacterial cell walls. Bacteria contain racemase enzymes that can convert L-amino acids into D-amino acids, a biochemical feature that is absent in higher organisms like mammals. Bacterial cell wall biosynthesis is completed when the peptide chains appended to the sugar backbones are cross-linked together. This occurs when the terminal D- alanine in one chain is displaced by a glycine in another. An activated serine hydroxyl group attacks the carbon of the amide bond between the two terminal D-alanine residues, resulting in the nucleophilic displacement of one D-alanine and the formation of a peptide chain-transpeptidase enzyme complex. This complex is linked by an ester bond that is rapidly attacked by the amino terminus of the pentaglycine chain, releasing the enzyme and completing the cross-linking between the two peptide chains. Penicillins have a structural resemblance to two D-alanine residues linked together, and are mistaken by the transpeptidase enzyme for D-Ala-D-Ala, and thus incorporated into the active site. Once bound, the -lactam carbonyl is attacked by the serine hydroxyl, and ring opening occurs to leave the penicillin covalently bound to the enzyme. The bulky thiazolidene ring now blocks access to the active site by either a pentaglycine chain or water. As a result the penicillin becomes irreversibly bound to the transpeptidase enzyme, preventing it from functioning properly. This results in incomplete cell walls that are much more fragile and porous, and eventually lead to swelling followed by cell lysis and death. Amino penicillins These penicillin derivatives have proved to be superior clinically in comparison with simpler derivatives like penicillin G (benzylpenicillin). They were among the first to become available in tablet form owing to their improved acid stability.

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