
By M. Diego. Sweet Briar College. 2018.

Several preparations containing predominantly IgG with only traces of other Ig are available (Polyglobin® discount 80 mg inderal fast delivery, Bayer buy inderal 80mg, Germany), whereas only one product contains elevated concentrations of IgM (in addition to IgG) and minor amounts of IgA (Pentaglobin®, Biotest, Germany) (eIg). Aside from Ig concentration, the various preparations also differ with regard to the sta- bilisers used [1]. Their popularity can be attributed to the wide- spread occurrence among critically ill patients of conditions associated with a downregula- tion of their immune capabilities, including postoperative status [14] and neoplasms [15]. Several investigators have studied the effects of prophylactic IvIg 20 Immunoglobulins in Sepsis 239 administration in different categories of patients prone to infections and sepsis, including premature infants and patients undergoing heart surgery. As far as the ¿rst category is concerned, a marginal reduction of early-onset neonatal sepsis has been demonstrated by a meta-analysis in premature newborns with a low birth weight [17]. However, this issue should continue to be considered as open, as other studies have failed to identify any sur- vival bene¿t in this group of patients [18]. Another study investigating the effects of eIg con¿rmed these results, demonstrating that the bene¿cial effect was limited to more seriously ill patients who developed severe post- operative sepsis [23]. The weakness of investigations concerning polyclonal IvIg use in sepsis – and therefore of the derived meta-analysis – lies in the relatively small number of patients studied and the heterogeneity of their underlying conditions [27]. A bene¿cial effect of polyclonal IvIg has also been demonstrated in less frequently encountered critically ill patients who have toxic shock syndrome secondary to severe streptococcal group A infections [28, 29]. With regard to the type of preparation of IvIg, different meta-analyses have demonstrated an increased survival rate in patients treated with eIg compared with preparations containing IgG alone [30, 31]. As the endotoxin molecule represents a target for IgM [14], this effect is particu- larly evident in patients who have Gram-negative infection [32]. A number of studies indicate that polyclonal IvIg administration is associated with ei- ther reduced morbidity or improved survival rate in different populations of patients with sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock [33–36]. The improved survival rate is more marked in certain subsets of patients, such as those who have sepsis sustained by Gram-negative bacteria [2, 32]. However, it is important to stress that IvIg should be considered as an ad- junctive treatment that integrates with, but does not replace, appropriate antibiotic therapy, 240 G. These re- sults can be ascribed to a number of factors, including sepsis source, different time inter- vals elapsing from diagnosis to treatment, exclusion of elderly patients and overall effect of other underlying diseases. In fact, administration timing appears to play a pivotal role, as demonstrated by Berlot et al. In recent years, the immunological therapeutic approach has been extensively studied, but the results of both experimental and clinical investigations have been puzzling, as the ad- ministration of monoclonal antibodies directed against speci¿c sepsis mediators produced disappointing results, whereas the administration of the less speci¿c IvIg was associated with better outcomes in different groups of patients. Despite these results, treatment with polyclonal IvIg is not recommended in current guidelines. On the basis of the published studies, it is possible to conclude that: • some categories of patients, including premature newborns with low birth weight and patients undergoing heart surgery, can bene¿t from prophylactic IvIg adminis- tration; • surgical patients treated with IvIg present a better outcome than control patients; • effect on medical patients is less clear, probably due to the presence of other con- comitant disorders that can inÀuence the prognosis independently from the presence of sepsis; • IgM-enriched IvIg preparations have been demonstrated to be more effective in re- ducing the mortality rate of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock than those containing IgG only; • ef¿cacy is probably time-dependent, being maximal in the early phases of severe sepsis and/or septic shock. Werdan K (1999) Supplemental immune globulins in sepsis Clin Chem Lab Med 37:341–349 3. Safdar A, Armstromg D (2001) Infectious morbidity in critically ill patients with cancer. Pilz G, Kreuzer E, Kääb S et al (1994) Early sepsis treatment with immunoglobu- lins after cardiac surgery in score-identi¿ed high risk patients. Pilz G, Appel R, Kreuzer E, Werdan K (1997) Comparison of early IgM-enriched immunoglobulin vs polyvalent IgG administration in score-identi¿ed post cardiac surgical patients at high risk for sepsis. Buda S, Riefolo A, Biscione et al (2005) Clinical experience with polyclonal IgM- enriched immunoglobulins in a group of patients affected by sepsis after cardiac surgery. Norrby-Teglund A, Ihendyane N, Daremberg J (2003) Intravenous immunoglobu- lin adjunctive therapy in sepsis, with special emphasis on severe invasive group A streptococcal infections. Daremberg J, Ihendyane N, Sjölin J et al (2003) Intravenous immunoglobulin G therapy in streptococcal toxic shock syndrome: a European randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled trial. Rodriguez A, Rello J, Neira J et al (2005) Effects of intravenous immunoglobulin and antibiotics on survival for severe sepsis undergoing surgery. Dominioni L, Dionigi R, Zanello M et al (1991) Effects of high-dose IgG on sur- vival of surgical patients with sepsis score of 20 or greater. Ca¿ero F, Gipponi M, Bonalimi U et al (1992) Prophylaxis of infection with intra- venous immunoglobulins plus antibiotics for patients at risk for sepsis undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: results of a randomized, multicentre clinical trial. Schedel I, Dreikhausen U, Newtig B et al (1991) Treatment of gram negative sep- tic shock with immunoglobulin preparation: a prospective, randomized clinical trial. Berlot G, Dimastromatteo G (2004) Impiego delle immunoglobuline arricchite con IgM e IgA nel trattamento della sepsi severa e dello shock settico. About 30% of septic patients die as a consequence of the progression of sepsis to septic shock and multiorgan failure [2]. In fact, early diagnosis of sepsis could ¿rst result in reduced mortality rates, and second, the cost associated with sepsis could be lowered. A better understanding of the biological mechanisms involved in sepsis trigger and progression is fundamental for choosing appropriate treatment. The septic syndrome arises from the activation of innate host response, leading to a variety of clinical symptoms not speci¿cally related to the presence of an infection. It is thus useful to rapidly recognise an abnormal immune response and speci¿cally identify the presence of organisms and molecules able to trigger that response. The role of a speci¿c diagnostic procedure could be pro¿tably represented by quantifying circulating endotoxin and its interaction with the immune system.

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Nonconsensual Cunnilingus is alleged to have occurred in only 3–9% of reported sexual assaults (6 purchase 40mg inderal,81) cheap inderal 80 mg mastercard. There are no published reports regarding the number of inci- dents involving anilingus; anecdotal case material suggests that it is rare. Legal Implications In some jurisdictions, penetration of the vagina or anus with the tongue during nonconsensual cunnilingus or anilingus is considered to be legally analo- gous to nonconsensual penile penetration of the vagina and anus (South Caro- Sexual Assualt Examination 83 lina and Rhode Island) (66,67). The British Parliament has recently created a new offense of “assault by penetration,” which is defined as nonconsensual penetration of the anus or genitalia by an object or a body part. Forensic Analysis and Persistence Data Traditionally, the detection of the enzyme amylase on vulval and vagi- nal swabs was considered confirmatory evidence of the presence of saliva. However, in 1992, a study conducted at the Metropolitan Police Laboratory, London, using vaginal swabs from volunteer female donors who had not participated in cunnilingus revealed high levels of endogenous amylase (82). Cor- respondence with numerous forensic biologists has not revealed any cases in which this has been undertaken, and the general consensus among these experts is that it is unlikely that such samples would isolate sufficient material for foren- sic analysis because of the usual time delay between the sexual act and the ob- taining of the samples from the suspect and the limited number of vaginal cells that are likely to be present. Medical Evidence Repeated thrusting of the tongue over the edges of the mandibular inci- sors during cunnilingus or anilingus may cause ulceration of the lingual frenu- lum, which completely heals within 7 days (85). Such lesions should be specifically sought during the examination of the suspect’s oral cavity when such an act has been described by the complainant or when the precise details of the assault are unknown. Frequency Penile–vaginal intercourse is the most common sexual act performed between heterosexuals. A more recent survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles undertaken between 1999 and 2001 found that 30% of the men and 26% of the women reported first heterosexual intercourse before the legal age of consent (16 years in the United Kingdom) (87). Legal Implications Although in English law the legal definition of “rape” relates to noncon- sensual penile penetration of the mouth, anus, or vagina, a new offense of assault by penetration has been recently created to cover nonconsensual penetration of the anus or the genitalia by an object or a body part; this new offense has the same maximum sentence as rape. In Scotland, nonconsensual penile–vaginal penetration is defined by common law as “carnal knowledge of a female by a male against her will” (88). Other jurisdictions, such as some American states, define all penetrative acts as sexual assaults subcat- egorized by the degree of force and coercion used. In many jurisdictions, the legal interpretation of “vaginal penetration” refers to penetration of the labia and does not require that the penis actually enter the vagina (89). The age at which a female can legally give consent for penile–vaginal intercourse varies from country to country; for example, in England, the age of consent is 16 years, whereas in California, it is 18 years (90). Anatomy The external female genitalia (vulva) includes the mons pubis, the labia majora, the labia minora, the clitoris, and the vestibule (which incorporates the openings of the urethra and the vagina). Sexual Assualt Examination 85 The hymen is the tissue that partially or completely surrounds the open- ing of the vagina. The hymen may be annular (encircling the vaginal opening), cres- centic (present at the lateral and posterior margins), fimbriated (frilly edged), or, usually after childbirth, present only as interrupted tags or remnants. It is important that the reader refer to atlases that illustrate these variations (2,92). Uncommon congenital vari- ants include two or more hymenal openings, referred to as septate or cribri- form, respectively, and, rarely, complete absence of an opening (imperforate hymen). Indentations or splits in the hymenal rim have been variously described as deficits, concavities, transections, clefts, notches, and, when clearly of recent origin, tears or lacerations (fresh and healed). In this text, the term notch will be used to describe divisions or splits in the hymenal rim. Super- ficial notches have been defined as notches that are less than or equal to half the width of the hymenal rim at the location of the notch, and deep notches have been defined as notches that are more than half the width of the hyme- nal rim at the location of the notch (93). Superficial notches of all aspects of the hymen have been described in both prepubertal (0–8 years) and postpu- bertal females (9. Deep notches of the anterior and lateral aspects of the hymen have been found in 14 of 200 postpubertal females (9. Deep notches of the posterior hymenal margin have not been described in prepubertal females screened for abuse. Deep notches of the hymenal mar- gin have been described among postpubertal females who deny having sexual activity, although because these females were not screened for abuse, it is not possible to state whether these were the result of unreported sexual abuse. The other pertinent anatomic landmarks in this area are the posterior fourchette (where the labia minora unite posteriorly), the fossa navicularis (a relatively concave area of the vestibule bounded anteriorly by the vaginal open- ing, posteriorly by the posterior fourchette, and laterally by the labia minora), and the anterior fourchette (where the labia minora meet anteriorly and form the clitoral hood). The skin of the labia majora and the outer aspects of the labia minora is keratinized squamous epithelium, but only the outer aspects of the labia majora are hair bearing. The skin of the inner aspects of the labia minora and the vesti- bule (including the hymen) is nonkeratinized. This area is usually pink, but in 86 Rogers and Newton the nonestrogenized child, it may appear red because the skin is thinner and consequently the blood vessels beneath its surface are more apparent (97). The forensically relevant areas of the internal female genitalia are the vagina and the cervix. The pertinent landmarks are the vaginal fornices (ante- rior, posterior, right, and left) and the cervical os (opening of the cervical canal).

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Displays the transliterated or vernacular title submitted by the publisher in place of an English translation provided by the human indexer when that English translation is not yet available purchase inderal 40mg without a prescription. For example inderal 40mg, H20 is commonly recognized as water; however, 106 will be displayed as 10(6). Pre-1966 citations were converted from the original print indexes (Cumulated Index Medicus and Current List of Medical Literature) and use the case from the print index. Efective 2015, the interviewee is the frst author and the interviewer is the second author. You may see contradictory abbreviations for some words in titles; for example: Academy of Management Journal abbreviated as Acad Manage J in 1963 but Access Management Journal abbreviated as Access Manag J in 2003 Return to Chapter 1. You may see contradictory abbreviations for some titles with editions; for example: Archives of Disease in Childhood. Valid values afer the equals sign are Print for the hard copy of a journal, and Internet for the Web-based version. In cases where publishers supply article numbers as electronic location data only (not as pagination), these numbers appear as notes and pagination is absent. Te Content Updates Appendix includes an inventory of the publication’s updates and corrections since its publication in October 2007. Change Log for March 17, 2017 Chapter/Appendix Section Updated Update/Correction Chapter 13: Letters and Other Introduction Updated Chapter 13 “See Also” reference for Personal Communication the newly renamed Chapter 14: Manuscripts and Preprints. Updated chapter title Preprints Introduction and (was "Manuscripts") Examples Change Log for August 10, 2016 Chapter/Appendix Section Updated Update/Correction Chapter 24A: Entire Databases/ Examples of Added two new citations to end of section. Retrieval Systems on the Internet Citations Chapter 21: Additional Sources for Added link to the above as "Examples of Journal Title Abbreviations Citations to Computer Programs (Sofware) on the Internet". Book with date of publication and Books with Examples date of copyright” Chapter 3A: Conference Citation Rules Corrected “2003 Apr 30-Mar 2” to “2003 Apr 30-May 2” for Proceedings with Examples “Dates cross months” for “Specifc Rules for Date of Conference” Chapter 3B: Conference Citation Rules Corrected subscripted characters in citation examples for Papers with Examples “Titles of papers containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character” to “Specifc Rules for Title” Chapter 3C: Parts of Citation Rules Corrected citation in “9. Part of a paper with no page Conference Papers with Examples number provided” Chapter 4A: Entire Citation Rules Corrected citation for “1. Standard report written and Reports with Examples published by the sponsoring organization” Chapter 5. Dissertations Citation Rules Added citation in “Titles not in English” and Teses with Examples Chapter 6A: Entire Citation Rules Corrected punctuation in heading for “5. Bibliography with Bibliographies with Examples organization as compiler” Chapter 8: Newspaper Introduction Corrected punctuation in citation diagram Articles Chapter 8: Newspaper Citation Rules Minor clarifcation of volume and issue information in Articles with Examples “Date of Publication for Newspaper Articles” and “Optional Table continues on next page... Book on the Internet with an Books and Other with Examples organization as author,” “23. Book on the Internet with Individual Titles on the qualifer added to place of publication for clarity,” and “39. Internet Book on the Internet that is a video, videocast, or podcast” Chapter 22B: Parts of Citation Rules Corrected “End with a semicolon placed outside the closing Books on the Internet with Examples bracket” in “Both a date of update/revision and a date of citation” in “Specifc Rules for Date of Citation” and “Part is a video clip, videocast, or podcast” in “Specifc Rules for Name and Number/Letter” and “Specifc Rules for Location (Pagination)” Chapter 22C: Citation Rules Corrected example in “Both a date of update/revision and a Contributions to Books with Examples date of citation” in “Specifc Rules for Date of Citation” on the Internet Chapter 23A: Journal Citation Rules Added examples to “12. Journal article on the Internet not Articles on the Internet with Examples in English,” “15. Journal article on the Internet with location expressed as standard page numbers,” “34. Journal article on the Internet with location/extent expressed as estimated number of pages,” and “36. Journal article on the Internet with location/extent expressed as an article number” Chapter 23B: Journal Citation Rules Corrected examples for “Journals appearing in more than Titles on the Internet with Examples one language” in “Specifc Rules for Title” and “Specifc Rules for Language” and “No issue number present” in “Specifc Rules for Issue Number” Table continues on next page... Standard citation to an open serial Databases/Retrieval with Examples database,” “5. Database/retrieval system on the Internet Systems on the Internet with an individual as author,” “7. Database/retrieval system on the Internet with editors where there is no author,” “18. Database/ retrieval system on the Internet title with government agency or other national body as publisher,” “27. Database/ retrieval system on the Internet title with month/day included in date of publication,” “31. Database/retrieval system on the Internet title with upper/ lowercase letters and symbols” for consistency. Chapters 24B: Part of a Citation Rules Corrected “date known” to “date unknown” in “Locating Database on the with Examples the date of publication” and “Locating the date of Internet publication if there is no standard title page” Chapter 24B: Parts of Citation Rules Removed an example from “6. Part of a database on the Databases on the with Examples Internet with a date of publication separate from the date of Internet the database as a whole” Chapter 24C: Citation Rules Added examples to “2. Standard contribution to a database Contributions to with Examples on the Internet with a separate date for the item,” “8. Databases on the Contribution to a database on the Internet with extent Internet provided by the database,” and “11.

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Biosynthesis choline and in other phospholipids order 80mg inderal otc, such as sphin- of ascorbic acid can be inhibited by deficiencies of gomyelin order inderal 80mg without a prescription. Phosphatidylcholine is readily hydrolyzed in the in- Vitamin C occurs in the forms of ascorbic acid and testinal lumen and is absorbed by the mucosa via dehydroascorbic acid, with both forms having similar both active transport and passive diffusion, depend- biological activity. Of the free choline concentration in fruits, vegetables (but not seeds) that is ingested, up to two-thirds may be metabolized and organ meats (particularly the liver and kidney). Choline is found in all tissues as a part Dietary sources of vitamin C are absorbed by passive of the membrane phospholipids, with the greatest diffusion in those species that do not have a specific concentrations in organs such as the brain, liver and dietary requirement. Absorption appears to be rela- kidney (as phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelins). Choline can be synthesized in the body but in the The highest concentrations of vitamin C are found in avian species tested to date, it cannot be synthesized the pituitary and the adrenal glands followed by the at high enough levels to meet the needs of the young liver, spleen, brain and pancreas. It appears that with age, the synthetic abilities tends to accumulate around healing wound sites. Its pounds such as methionine, betaine and myo-inositol best understood role is in the synthesis of collagen, are present in the diet. Dietary sulfates can also have where it is involved in the hydroxylation of procol- a sparing effect on choline by helping to spare lagen residues. The required trace minerals are magnesium, C in their diet, the breakdown of this function pro- manganese, zinc, iron, copper, iodine, selenium and, duces the classic deficiency symptoms (scurvy, capil- in certain situations, cobalt and molybdenum. These lary fragility, gum and bone alterations and poor trace elements have their primary function as parts healing). Addi- tionally, in purified diets, there have been beneficial Vitamin C is also an excellent antioxidant, acting to effects achieved by the addition of some of the other neutralize free radicals that are produced in the body. At this time, they should not Based on their scientific orders, evolutionary status be considered as dietary essentials because of a lack and limited testing, psittacine and passerine birds of conclusive evidence regarding their essentiality appear to have no requirement for vitamin C. Once in the prove with supplemental vitamin C are: 1) dietary intestinal tract, they are able to easily dissociate and deficiencies of energy, protein, vitamin E, selenium be absorbed. There is also considerable complexing or iron; 2) high production or high growth rates (the with other minerals or chelating agents. An example newly hatched chick has a slower rate of ascorbic acid of this is the calcium and phosphorus precipitate that synthesis); 3) management stresses, eg, handling, is formed by excess levels of these minerals while in insecure environment, transportation, crowding; 4) the alkaline conditions of the small intestine. This extreme temperature variations from normal; 5) complex can then adsorb manganese or zinc, causing health stresses: fever and infection reduce blood excretion of the trace mineral, and subsequently, an ascorbic acid and diseases with liver involvement increased requirement. Concentrations in plant products are ity, due to decreased early embryonic mortality. This may be even Calcium is the predominant mineral in the body more important considering that many birds lack (approximately 1. Calcium is also con- should be considered as the most important way to tained in the body fluids, where it plays an essential supplement the diet because of the vitamin’s general role in blood coagulation and membrane permeabil- instability in manufactured products. Low Ca++ concentra- Minerals are essentially classified in one of two tions result in a decrease in electrical resistance and groups: macro minerals and trace or micro minerals. Calcium and phosphorus act primar- excitability of neural and muscle tissue and can re- ily in the body’s skeletal structure, while sodium, sult in spontaneous fiber discharge. This is regu- takes of one or more of these nutrients, increased lated by the active metabolite of vitamin D in re-3 calcium intake can induce a deficiency state. A lesser amount of absorption also occurs in the lower small intestines Phosphorus through passive diffusion. High-protein diets and In addition to being an important bone constituent, acidification of the intestines aid calcium absorption. Phosphorus has a wider range of and phosphates will decrease absorption of calcium biological functions than probably any other element. Similarly, high Phosphorus is widely distributed in nature, occur- intestinal concentrations of free fatty acids (from ring as phosphates, orthophosphoric acid salts and very high-fat diets or because of impairment in fat organophosphates. Absorption of phosphorus in the digestion) will result in the formation of insoluble orthophosphate form takes place primarily in the calcium soaps. Once absorbed, calcium is carried by duodenum, with efficiency of adsorption being de- the plasma as ionized calcium, protein-bound cal- pendent on the metabolic requirement and affected cium and a small amount of chelated calcium by a number of factors such as its source, calcium:phos- (chelated with citrate and phosphate). Regulation of phorus ratio, intestinal pH and dietary levels of vita- calcium metabolism involves parathyroid hormone, min D, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and calcitonin and vitamin D3 (see Chapter 23). Once absorbed, it is readily incorporated into The calcium content of dried, fat-free bone is approxi- bone and other tissues, with bone acting as the me- mately one-third of the total weight, predominantly tabolic reservoir. Like calcium, circulating levels are present in the form of calcium phosphate, with lesser regulated by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, amounts of calcium carbonate. In egg shells, calcium with plasma levels being inversely related to plasma carbonate is the structural compound. Excretion of excess amounts of phos- tenance of proper bone tissue, the calcium to avail- phorus takes place primarily through the kidneys. The phytin, making it unavailable to all monogastric ani- further this ratio deviates from the ideal level, the mals because of their lack of the enzyme phytase. Vita- When the diet consists predominantly of high-phytin min D3 is essential to regulate absorption and meta- foods, phytase-producing microorganisms may colo- bolism of calcium and phosphorus, especially when nize the gastrointestinal tract and provide a modest dietary levels are unbalanced.

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Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications buy inderal 80 mg with mastercard. Te Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois Te United States of America as represented by the Department of Health and Human Services Box 20 purchase inderal 80mg with mastercard. Separate the surname from the given name or initials by a comma; follow initials with a period; separate successive names by a semicolon. Patent with afliation of inventor(s) and assignee included Title for Patents (required) General Rules for Title • Enter the title of a patent as it appears in the original document, in the original language • Capitalize only the frst word of a title, proper nouns, proper adjectives, acronyms, and initialisms • Follow non-English titles with a translation whenever possible; place the translation in square brackets • End a title with a period Specific Rules for Title • Titles not in English • Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character Patents 575 Box 23. Place translated titles in square brackets Katsuko S, Shunsuke M, Takashi U, Tetsuya T, Miki E, inventors; Advance Company Ltd, assignee. Tis rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications. Metodika lecheniia pri revmatoidnom artrite [Method for treating rheumatoid arthritis]. Patent title containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character 13. Patent in a microform Type of Medium for Patents (required) General Rules for Type of Medium • Indicate the type of medium (microfche, ultrafche, microflm, microcard, etc. Patent in a microform Patent Country (required) General Rules for Patent Country • Name the country issuing the patent • Use the adjectival form of the name, such as French and Russian, but use United States and United Kingdom • End place information with a space Specific Rules for Patent Country • Regional ofce rather than an individual country Box 26. For example, in Germany the word Ofenlegungsschrif indicates a patent application, Auslegeschrif an examined patent, and Patentschrif a fnal issued patent. However, if the language is unfamiliar or the status of the patent document is unclear, use the wording found on the document. Nichtpolierte Halbleiterscheibe und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer nichtpolierten Halbleiterscheibe. Zinsmeyer J, Gross J, Brux B, inventors; Charite der Humboldt-Universitaet Direktorat Forschung, assignee. Enzymimmunoassay und Testbesteck zum Nachweis humaner Neuronen-spezifscher Enolase. Optional brief patent citation format Patent Number (required) General Rules for Patent Number • Record the patent number as it appears on the publication, using whatever spacing and punctuation are found • End the patent number with a period Specific Rules for Patent Number • Letters following patent numbers • Optional brief patent citation format Box 29. Optional brief patent citation format Pagination for Patents (optional) General Rules for Pagination • Provide the total number of pages on which the text of the patent appears • Follow the page total with a space and the letter p • End pagination information with a period Specific Rules for Pagination • No numbers appear on the pages of the patent Box 32. Patent with optional number of pages included Physical Description for Patents (optional) General Rules for Physical Description • Give information on the physical characteristics if a patent is published in a microform (microflm, microfche, etc. Such information will help the reader select the appropriate equipment with which to view the microform. Specific Rules for Physical Description • Language for describing physical characteristics Patents 585 Box 33. If a patent is published on microfche, microflm, or microcards: • Begin with the number and type of physical pieces, followed by a colon and a space 5 microfche: 2 reels: [of microflm] 3 microcards: • Enter information on the physical characteristics, such as color and size. Patent in a microform International Classification Code for Patents (optional) General Rules for International Classification Code • Abbreviate International Classifcation Code to "Int. Patent with classifcation codes of the country granting it Application Number and Filing Date for Published Patents (optional) General Rules for Application Number and Filing Date • Abbreviate application number to Appl. Patent application number and date for published patents Language for Patents (required) General Rules for Language • Give the language of publication if other than English • Capitalize the language name • Follow the language name with a period Examples for Language 8. Verfahren zur Modifzierung von Polymersubstraten durch Oberfachenfxierung eigenschafsbestimmender Makromolekule [Method for modifying polymer substrates by surface fxing of functional macromolecules]. For example, in Germany the word Ofenlegungsschrif indicates a patent application. Simply the word application may be used for all countries to designate that a fnal patent has not been issued. However, if the language is unfamiliar or the status of the patent document is unclear, use the wording found on the document. Nichtpolierte Halbleiterscheibe und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer nichtpolierten Box 37 continues on next page... Patent applications before issuance of the patent Patents 591 Examples of Citations to Patents 1. Patent in which an organization is the inventor Seiko Ohkubo, inventor; Seiko Ohkubo, assignee. Method of producing amines from alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and mixtures thereof. Increasing antibody afnity by altering glycosylation of immunoglobulin variable region. Increasing antibody afnity by altering glycosylation of immunoglobulin variable region. Metodika lecheniia pri revmatoidnom artrite [Method for treating rheumatoid arthritis].

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