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These companies have leader in facilitating the rational use of low scores across most areas but do not its products with a best practice: it has completely lag in any given area (except adapted packaging and brochures to in their level of accountability for sales take account of all fve of the relevant agents pricing practices) buy tofranil 25mg otc. Only Bristol- needs identifed by the Index (language proven 50mg tofranil, Myers Squibb was in this group in 2014. Some companies, however, remain con- Commitments Transparency Performance Innovation servative. Gilead is the only company to have clearly states where it will not fle for and innovation reached voluntary licensing terms out- or enforce patents, and commits to dis- The same three companies lead as in side the Medicines Patent Pool that closing patent statuses in the future. It was the frst company (8th), has the widest geographic scope Among the fnal six companies, most to license a product for hepatitis C of any non-assert declaration made: it lag because they have not improved, (daclatasvir (Daklinza )). Pfzer apply to a comparatively broad range and low human development coun- is the only lagging company to engage of countries. Astellas, Novo Nordisk in licensing (via joint venture ViiV of patents held in countries in scope. For ries it would consider voluntary licens- Astellas, Eisai and Novo Nordisk these ing terms. This is partly because the 2016 Index places more emphasis on 15 = 15 Eli Lilly & Co. Both compa- and often long-term partnerships with mances since 2014, they have been out- nies improved their performance in key local stakeholders such as governments performed by the current leaders, par- areas from 2014, and were among the and non-government organisations; a ticularly in areas relating to company few to increase their scores in 2016. As proactive approach to sharing informa- transparency and information shar- a result, they have risen to the top two tion with relevant stakeholders; and a ing. Capacity building outside ities in all fve areas, and showed fre- relatively stable group: all six leaders in the pharmaceutical value chain is a key quent and systematic consideration 2016 have made comparatively small strength for both. However, it capacity in Index countries was average, group does demonstrate a relatively strong but the company submitted no relevant The middle pack comprises eight approach to strengthening pharmacov- R&D partnerships. Japanese companies measured in the Bayer is one of the furthest fallers in The remaining company in the lag- Index. However, has improved its performance in multi- tively narrow range of relevant activ- the company does have a very strong ple areas, especially capacity building in ities, and did not show particular philanthropic approach and builds supply chain management and outside strength in any area. In the activities capacities outside the value chain in the pharmaceutical value chain. Sankyo also improved its performance tion of local needs to strengthen health in several areas, making the strong- system capacity is generally limited. Boehringer Ingelheim s consideration of local needs is incon- performance in R&D capacity building sistent. Some companies do not in Index countries was average, but it is demonstrate any activities in certain less active in key areas such as manu- areas, but have specifc strengths. It was also outperformed by example, Pfzer performed relatively other companies in areas such as phar- well in supply chain management capac- macovigilance and in building capaci- ity building, but demonstrated no rel- ties not linked to the pharmaceutical evant activities to strengthen phar- value chain. However, it did not share suf- cient details of these activities publicly Other companies are actively build- or directly to the Index. Company ranking Product Donations The scores are spread widely, with 1 3 GlaxoSmithKline plc 4. Programmes for communica- ble diseases are focusing more on spe- 15 11 AstraZeneca plc 1. All seven has increased the scale and scope of the Mectizan donation programme donate medicines both ad hoc for emer- its structured donation programmes, for onchocerciasis. Four of impact, and do not systematically audit them, however, are active in ad hoc their partners. The spread in Nordisk, and Roche are involved in one scores in this group is the result of structured donation programme, while their diferent monitoring and audit- the other four engage in several. AbbVie ing requirements, and the transparency remains the only company to engage of the type, volume and destinations of in donations for maternal and neona- their ad hoc donations. It is currently devel- geographic scope: Bayer, Sanof and oping an innovative programme aimed Gilead. This includes a summary of its strengths and weaknesses, any best and Portfolio and Pipeline innovative practices, as well as the drivers behind Analysis of the company s portfolio of marketed changes in its ranking. Each report card includes products and pipeline of R&D products that fall overviews of the company s portfolio and pipe- within the scope of the Index, in line with specifc line, and identifes tailored opportunities for it to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Performance by Technical Area Changes since 2014 Overview of the company s performance in each Update on where the company s access-to-med- area measured by the Index, including descriptions icine performance has notably changed since the of: 2014 Index (positive and negative changes), and The company s position in the Technical Area where its performance has remained static. It subrankings; includes new or expanded commitments, strate- Main areas where the company performs well or gies, activities and programmes. It is the most access-ori- projects that target independently identifed, high-priority ented company in the Index, with a clear access-to-medi- product gaps. It leads in product donations and in applying cine strategy that aligns with its corporate strategy, and com- equitable pricing strategies, and is a leader in voluntary licens- pany-wide ownership and accountability for access.
Movement of the spine is restricted in all planes and a limitation of chest expansion may occur 25 mg tofranil fast delivery. Acute anterior uveitis buy tofranil 75mg with visa, aortic regurgitation and (spondyloarthropathies) apical lung brosis are known extra-articular features. Ankylosing spondylitis Denition Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic inammatory arthri- tis predominantly affecting the axial skeleton, causing pain and progressive stiffness. Pathophysiology r Patients should be encouraged to remain active, avoid Synovitis is histologically the same as that of rheumatoid prolonged bed rest and avoid lumbar supports. Phys- arthritis, although bone resorption is sometimes promi- iotherapy involvement is important. Itislikelythatboththeskinlesionsandthearthritis r Pain and morning stiffness are treated with non- are immunologically mediated. Fivepatternsofarthritis osteotomy may be helpful in patients with severe cur- are seen: vature. There is a wide range of severity: In over 85% there is 3 Symmetrical rheumatoid-like polyarthritis. Psoriatic arthritis Investigations Denition r Blood tests may show raised inammatory markers, Achronic inammatory arthritis occurring with psori- anaemia of chronic disease and presence of autoanti- asis. Other features include 1% of population have psoriasis of which 5% will get periostitis, bone resorption, sacroiliitis and spondyli- arthritis. Second line agents include methotrex- Typically there is an abrupt onset of asymmetrical lower ate and ciclosporin. Achilles ten- have been shown to be effective in reducing the pro- dinitis and plantar fasciitis may also occur. Surgical intervention may have been preceded by a clinical urethritis, prostatitis, prove necessary. Prognosis It is not clear whether any medical intervention has Investigations disease-modifying potential. X-rays are initially normal but may show erosions and features Reactive arthritis similar to ankylosing spondylitis. Denition Management Acute or chronic synovitis that occurs less than 6 weeks Although unlikely to affect the course of arthritis, an- following infections with various organisms, including tibiotics are given for ongoing urethritis. Ophthalmol- Chlamydia, Yersinia, Salmonella, Shigella and Campy- ogy referral is essential for uveitis and the arthritis is lobacter species. Reiter s syndrome is a form of reactive usually managed with nonsteroidal anti-inammatory arthritis with the triad of arthritis, uveitis, and urethritis. The few patients who develop a chronic arthritis are treated as for rheumatoid arthritis. Denition An enteropathic arthritis, sacroiliitis, ankylosing Sex spondylitis or rarely hypertrophic osteoarthritis in as- M > F sociation with ulcerative colitis or Crohn s disease. Sex 1:1 Pathophysiology In early synovitis there is intense hyperaemia with in- Aetiology ammatory inltration. Enteropathicarthritisisaseroneg- into a number of chromosomal loci in relation ative non-erosive synovitis. Intra-articular creased cytotoxic T-cell reactions, increased helper steroid injections may be of value. Connective tissue disorders It is thought that these defects may trigger a cascade of events resulting in the production of autoantibod- Systemic lupus erythematosus ies. Prevalence Pathophysiology 40 per 100,000 in United Kingdom, wide geographic The mechanism by which the aetiological factors inter- variation (1:250 American black women). Systemic symptoms include general malaise, Aetiology fever(sometimeshighandswinging)anddepression(see r Genetics: Up to 60% concordance in monozygotic Fig. Currently studies are underway oles, venules and capillaries) pleura and joint capsules. Diffuse proliferative: crescents in Heart (25%): most severe cases (proteinuria, Pericarditis with small effusions casts, renal failure & hypertension) (tamponade is rare), mild myocarditis iii. Mesangial (usually benign and may remain subclinical) Musculo-articular (95%): Small joint symmetrical pain and myalgia are common but joints appear normal on examination. Immune complex deposition in skin at the dermal cardiolipin is a component of the antigenic mixture epidermal junction, kidney and blood vessels. These occur mainly in the r Nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs are rst-line deepveinsofthecalf. Arterialthrombosisinthe r Antimalarials are used for systemic symptoms, refrac- cerebral vessels, coronary, renal and mesenteric arter- tory arthritis and skin disease. Cyclophosphamide is more toxic but may be used in severe diffuse proliferative nephritis or severe neu- Investigations ropsychiatric lupus. Prognosis Generally a good prognosis, chronic forms of the disease Management are seen. Patients with renal or neuropsychiatric involve- Anticoagulation with aspirin for mild cases and war- ment have a worse prognosis. During the rst and third trimester of pregnancy low-molecular-weight heparin is used due to the terato- genicity of warfarin and risks of bleeding in labour.
For example cheap tofranil 50mg with visa, the Beck Center for the Arts partners with the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities to offer Razzle Dazzle 50 mg tofranil otc, an inclusive program of musical theater created and performed by adults with special needs. It has partnered with groups such as the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities, the Cleveland Clinic and MayfeldVillage s Department of Recreation. SignStage presents plays in which actors simultaneously use spoken words and sign language, allowing both hearing and deaf audiences to seamlessly understand what is happening on stage without the use of a third party such as an interpreter. This forum allowed the Care Alliance to integrate health literacy messaging in the discussions. Through this program, local artists create participatory activities for children that bring literary works to life while also helping to build connections between arts and culture partners and local neighborhoods. The two organizations presented a flm called A Lot LikeYou, which tells the story of a woman who traces her cultural roots in Tanzania and uncovers stories of rape and abuse. A rape survivor herself, the woman uses her journey to become a storyteller, to ignite dialogue and inspire deep introspection about rape and abuse because truth that is never spoken can never lead to change. In the fall of 2013, the Sculpture Center presented an unusual exhibition in partnership with the East Cleveland Township Cemetery and the Alfred and Norma Lerner Tower of University Hospitals Case Medical Center. Called Made in Mourning: Contemporary Memorial and Reliquary, it used art installations to initiate thoughts and conversations dealing with death. An accompanying lecture series called The Dirt on Death was intended to generate broader community discussions on death and mourning in contemporary society. Cleveland s arts and culture sector is a vital resource for drawing attention to pressing community health concerns, providing opportunities for breaking stereotypes and strengthening community ties. Community Partnership for Arts and Culture 48 Creative Minds in Medicine case study cleveland museum of natural history Melissa Duy, Health Education Coordinator Photo courtesy of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History Community Partnership for Arts and Culture 49 Creative Minds in Medicine banishing boredom At the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, dull health classes are not allowed. Young children learn about their fve senses from puppet plays and dental health from brushing the teeth of Mr. Others play along with Disease Detectives, a mystery-story video that contains clues for them to discover the ways illnesses start and spread. And vivid imagery acts like mental refrigeration, keeping lessons fresh in all the students heads. As the museum s distance-learning coordinator and science instructor, she uses her theater and biology backgrounds to turn learning into memorable fun for young people in Northeast Ohio and beyond. For that reason, getting students to take home information in their heads as well as in their hands has become a process that s as creative for the children as for their health instructors at the museum. Says Health Education Coordinator Melissa Duy, art as part of the learning experience is something that just makes it unique and different. And they absorb a lesson about effective washing better when they get to cover their hands frst Because health is ever-evolving, the content of classes and the methods used to present it have to change, too. Gambol uses herself as an example:Though she likes teaching, she was a somewhat unenthusiastic student because sitting and listening is not my bag. She ended up working at the Great Lakes Science Center for four years, then joining the touring Mr. Wizard things, blowing stuff up to HealthSpace Cleveland, a health museum and educational organization that was the frst in the area to undertake video- conferencing and distance-learning. When HealthSpace merged with the natural-history museum in 2007, Gambol came along, bringing her arts-based teaching techniques with her. Because health is ever-evolving, she adds, the content of classes and the methods used to present it have to change, too. So whether a new prop is needed or recent studies demand new instructions for elementary-school hygiene students, creativity and effective re-design stay important to the museum s education department. Part of that artistic process of learning is, Don t push that button, I want to push it myself. Or by silence, as children examine an animal skull and then draw pictures of its teeth, reinforcing their memories by turning them to art. Or by hilarity, when Gambol plays stand-up comic and challenges a class of teenagers to consider how darned odd she feels, talking about private parts to roomful of perfect strangers. Its namesake, Abraham Flexner, was a former teacher and educational expert hired by the Carnegie Foundation to identify key ways of improving the structure of medical training. During this period, the Carnegie Foundation was focusing its resources on improving the nation s healthcare feld and conjectured that the poor state of medical training was a key weakness. To test this hypothesis, Flexner traveled the country to carry out a survey Key Benefts on the quality of U. Johns Hopkins School of practitioners: Medicine in Baltimore had already implemented such a German-style model218 and served as the gold standard by which Flexner measured other Develop higher levels of empathy, trust and 219 medical schools. Without of patients enforceable medical curriculum standards, any group Deliver patient-centered care of physicians could establish a for-proft medical Alleviate personal stress school and grant degrees [that] were scarcely worth the paper they were written on. In this environment, the concept of a full- time system in medical schools also took hold, Community Partnership for Arts and Culture 54 Creative Minds in Medicine Medical Training and Medical Humanities establishing the idea that the advancement of knowledge was to trump all other involvements in the academic physician s life. This chapter will explore the development of medical humanities programs and the ways art and culture are enriching medical students education. Medical Humanities In the United States, the oldest medical humanities programs emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a reaction to perceived shortcomings in the teaching, practice and evaluation of medicine.
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