
T. Trano. Sweet Briar College.

Comparatively discount lasuna 60caps mastercard, “semi-domesticated” plate to larger containers should occur by offering animals are of no value if offspring are to be released feed in both containers at the same time lasuna 60caps amex. Small to the wild with the intent of reintroducing genetic chicks may drown in large water containers. Genetic selec- stones or glass marbles in the container will reduce tion and breeding to achieve color variants increase losses. The clutch size Chicks of unpretentious species (Common Pheasant, and incubation times for commonly maintained gal- peafowl, guineafowl) are initially fed a starter diet linaceous birds are listed in Table 45. Parameters like turkey starter (28% crude protein) and are trans- for artificial incubation are listed in Table 45. It is best to provide these birds with foods that are Gallinaceous birds to be used for breeding purposes similar to those eaten by their free-ranging conspeci- should be introduced to each other before the breed- fics. A diet composed of turkey starter mixed with ing season in surroundings that are novel to all the mealworms, ant cocoons, chopped hard-cooked eggs, candidates concerned. The female should be intro- diced romaine lettuce, spinach, dandelion and other duced to the enclosure a few hours prior to the male. In several species In some species, it is possible to keep several males (some grouse), chicks obtain food by picking at the together if there are no females present. In monogamous spe- vided intact plants that are placed in the ground or cies, only a single pair should be housed together. Chicks that are to be released into the wild ing the breeding season may attack other males, must be introduced to their natural foods to prevent other bird species or even the keeper. Perhaps chicks are imprinted with food male and mock escape by the female is normal behav- shapes and colors, or at the least, they learn what ior in some species like eared pheasants and fran- foods to consume from the hen. If there is insufficient space for the hen to The chicks of some gallinaceous birds will not pick escape, she may be injured or killed by the cock. Hatching Incubation Chamber Hatching Chamber is genetically determined and should not be assisted. Synchronization of the hatch dates Pheasant can occur by two mechanisms: 1) The hen does not California 38. The procedures to providing adequate space for a pair of exception is the megapode chick, which is inde- pendent immediately after hatching. Densely planted aviaries that provide a hen with areas to hide may still have Foster Breeding inherent problems. Fiberglass panels leaned against the wall or concrete tubes provide similar protection The hens of some gallinaceous birds are unreliable and are easy to clean. Cracid, Common Pheasant and nearly all species of New World quail hens are una- For species in which there are substantial differences menable brooders in captivity. Domestic turkey hens hen to enter the cock’s enclosure, while preventing can be used to incubate the eggs of larger gallina- the cock from entering the hen’s area. Small and fragile eggs should be placed effective method for breeding birds like the Common under Golden Pheasant hens, which are cautious Capercaillie. During the most attractive of several cocks and if only one cock last week of incubation, the eggs of tropical birds is available, breeding may not occur if the hen does being raised in dry climates should be moistened not like the cock. After hatching, the acoustic presence of other males is necessary to hen and chicks can be placed in a small enclosure stimulate display and mating behavior. Chicks are prone to chilling Most gallinaceous birds incubate eggs on the ground the first few days post-hatching and must have sup- and should be provided with flat trays containing plemental body heat from the attending hen. Tragopans, the Congo Peafowl, the Bronze-tailed Peacock Pheas- The disadvantages of foster parenting are: ant, the Crested Argus Pheasant, the Mikado Pheas- crushing of small fragile eggs by heavy or clumsy ant, the Salvadori’s Pheasant and the cracids nest in adults; trees. A box placed approximately 150 cm from the premature cessation of brooding if the natural ground and filled with hay and foliage can be used as incubation period of the foster hen is shorter than an artificial nest. Nests of ground- and tree-nesting birds should be inconspicuous to provide trauma or death of the chicks if the hen recognizes the pair with visual security but should be placed them to be strange (this is a particular problem such that the birds can easily look out. In one breeding season, an Australian by placing the eggs in an incubator for the last third Brush Turkey hen lays about 25 to 30 eggs. Generally, chicks that are to be released into Cracids the wild should be reared by a hen of the same Cracids are Central and South American species that species. Most nests are well For many pheasants, the percentage of carbon diox- hidden in a fork or branch of a tree, but some species ide in the incubator must be increased up to approxi- are ground-nesters. This is achieved by re- rough-shelled with wide pores and a uniform white ducing the intake of fresh air. Newly hatched chicks are immediately able to out of the incubator immediately after hatching. Behavior of ceous birds, owing to the uncommon brooding biology free-ranging birds is dramatically different from that of these birds. The brain volume of domes- parents but by solar heat, fermentation heat or geo- ticated turkeys is 35% smaller than that of their thermal energy. The eggs are thin-shelled and depression in the soil and may be padded with leaves, contain a large yolk that is rich in lipids.

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Only antibody preparations from guinea pigs cheap lasuna 60caps otc, but not from rabbits purchase 60caps lasuna amex, were suitable for identifying antigens. The use of immuno­ globulins precipitated by ammonium sulphate resulted in a decrease of sensitivity. Variation o f the concentration o f the radiolabelled antibody isolated by affinity chromatography. A-Ab as solid-phase antibody B0 = incubated radiolabelled polysaccharide antibody В = bound radiolabelled antibody. The sera of the patients were sampled 2 to 5 days after the last positive blood cultures. In the sera of two patients, cpm-values equivalent to approximately 1 ng/mL polysaccharides (> 3 times background values) were evaluated. However, in all studies false negative antigen test results were found in the range from 30% [4, 10] to 100% [11 —13] of the cases with systemic candidiasis. Our in-vitro studies showed that specific blocking antibodies impair the detection of antigens. If sera with high levels of polysaccharide antibodies were tested, the detection limit was raised from 1 ng/mL to 2000 ng/mL. Thus, some false negative results in previous assays may be caused by the interference of specific antibodies in vivo, which block binding sites even at antibody concentrations found in normal sera by forming immune complexes. Heating (95°C, 15 min) of sera containing polysaccharide antigens and antibodies destroys the antibodies in the immune complexes. This procedure considerably increased the test sensitivity and restored the detection limit almost completely (Fig. The recovery of various amounts of polysaccharides added to individual sera after heating and the precision of the assay were excellent (Table I). The comparison of affinity-purified Candida antibodies with protein А-isolated antibodies bound to the solid phase showed that one tenth of the former is sufficient to get the same test results as those obtained with protein A-antibodies. The sera of the patients were obtained 2 to 5 days after candidemia; antigens may have cleared from circulation at the time we tested the sera. Further studies on sera of patients with systemic candidemia are necessary to evaluate the diagnostic significance of Candida antigenemia. The necessity of such a method became apparent because of the massive abuse of these drugs in sports, and their consequent banning by official authorities. Since then we have developed alternative methods for both the above-mentioned groups of steroids, using tritiated or, alternatively in the steroid nucleus, radioiodinated ligands, and also for nortestosterone antisera with diverse specificity, to enable the detection selectivity of the latter steroid to be improved [2-4]. Though selective enough, the method did not reveal the main nortestosterone metabolites found in urine, i. Here we wish to report the preparation of four different immunogens for raising antisera, taking into consideration the above metabolites. The 17-carboxymethyloximes and За-hemisuccinates of 19-norandrosterone and 19-noretiocholanolone were synthesized and attached to bovine serum albumin by conventional methods [6]. The initial noretiocholanolone was purchased from Organon (Netherlands), and norandrosterone was prepared from nortestosterone by original three-step synthesis. We thus developed a radioimmunoassay for this compound which was kindly provided by Dr. The possibility of generating a chemically reactive form of these vinca alkaloids, as described by Barnett et al. The resulting desacetyl monohydrazide was then converted into a reactive acid azide by reaction with nitrous acid (10 jumol) at 4°C for 10 min, extracted by methylene chloride and dried. This conjugate was iodinated with 125I sodium iodide by the lactoperoxydase procedure in order to reduce the formation of non- immunoreactive radiolabelled by-products. The immunogen was emulsified in complete Freund adjuvant and injected subcutaneously into two rabbits at three-week intervals. Strong responses were obtained with both animals, leading to hyperimmune antisera which bound 50% of the radiolabelled probe (10 000 counts/min) at a final dilution of 1/2 000 000, based on the polyethylene glycol precipitation of immune complexes. Des lapins ont été immunisés avec ce conjugué et des anticorps capables de lier la suriclone marquée ont été obtenus. L’extraction de la suriclone du plasma ou des urines a été rendue nécessaire en raison d’une interférence importante due au plasma et à la présence de métabolites en quantités importantes et reconnus par les anticorps. La suriclone est extraite du plasma ou des urines par passage sur une cartouche de silice greffée Cl 8 (Waters) éluée avec l’acétonitrile. La séparation chromatographique est effectuée sur une colonne Spherosil X0A 600 (0,6 X 10 cm) (phase mobile: méthanol, eau, triéthylamine, éther isopropylique, isooctane; 12,5/0,65/0,2/50/37,5, V/V). Nous recueillons la fraction contenant le produit d’après le temps de rétention mesuré avec de la suriclone tritiée (activité spécifique: 23 Ci/mmole). Nous avons vérifié que le temps de rétention est constant tout au long de la manipulation. Concentrations plasmatiques de la suriclone en pg/ml après une administration orale de 0,3 mg. La fraction liée est séparée de la fraction libre par la méthode au charbon dextran. Le rendement d’extraction obtenu à partir de sérums surchargés en produit froid est de 83% avec un coefficient de variation inter essais de 22% sur 43 dosages.

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The sexes cannot always be distinguished orifice of the oviduct on the left side order 60caps lasuna free shipping, while the male with certainty by body size or morphology order 60caps lasuna otc, the shape has bilateral papillae where the vas deferens open of the head, cere or neck, or by differences in specific into the cloaca. Evaluation of differences in the structure of is reliable for adult birds, but less so for younger the cloacal lips according to the Japanese method21 pigeons. Injection of either testosterone or follicular for gender determination has been shown to be inef- hormones has been suggested in juveniles to improve fective in practice. The oviductal mucosa contains glands that store sperm and keep it viable for several days. Insemination is achieved by restraining the hen in the same manner as de- scribed for semen collection. The ori- fice of the oviduct is identified on the left side of the urodeum, and should not be confused with the open- ing of the cloacal bursa or the entrance to the co- prodeum. Cytology of a fine-needle biopsy indicated that the mass was characterized by epithelioid cells packed with acid- The salpingeal orifice is relatively large in older hens fast rods, suggestive of Mycobacterium spp. Two small papillae that rep- resent the vestiges of the Wolffian duct can also be Artificial Insemination identified. Insemination is most successful Managing the Male if performed with undiluted ejaculate immediately or The best males to use for semen donors are mature shortly after collection. The pipette is positioned birds that are with hens eight days before, or up to relatively deep into the distal section of the salpinx four days after, egg laying. Two people are required and the semen is released, while simultaneously and for collecting the semen. The other person holds a Pasteur pipette in one hand, and the tail is lifted up and held between the thumb and index finger of the same hand. The opening of the cloaca is literally pressed together to push the sper- matozoa out of the papilla of the ductus deferens. Clinical Examination This pressure also causes blood plasma to pass from the capillaries under the cloacal epithelium. This blood plasma collects in the median part of the cloaca The clinical examination might involve a single pi- and combines with the spermatozoa to produce 0. A bird’s feathers should be care- are those that have been sexually stimulated by a fully protected during the examination procedure. The cranial It is necessary to determine the breeds and color end of the transected vas deferens should be perma- varieties, because some groups of pigeons are more nently closed with an ethicon clip to prevent the susceptible to certain diseases. For example, the Ger- spermatozoa from being released into the abdominal man toy pigeons, many pouters, trumpeters, frill- cavity. At the same time, the end of the wings and the remaining fingers restraining the feet and thumb and the other fingers fix the end of the wings and the base base of the tail (courtesy of R. Injection into this area can cause a second person is needed to facilitate the physical examination fatal hemorrhage. Restraint tech- of fluid can be administered into the subcutaneous niques for Columbiformes are described in Figures connective tissue on the side of the thoracic wall and 44. A feather follicle The subcutaneous connective tissue of the caudal vaccine is applied by removing approximately ten third of the neck is most suitable for subcutaneous feathers on the lateral thigh and rubbing the vaccine injections. The skin near the base of the neck should into the follicles using a brush provided by the manu- facturer (Figure 44. The exact location of the needle is metho d e mploys a puncture thro ugh the checked by injecting a small fraction of the drug and propatagium with a special needle provided by the watching for a bubble of fluid in the tissue. The bird is restrained inside the palm of one hand, the head and the leg to be injected are fixed between the middle and index fingers, and the other leg is held between the ring and little fingers. The injection is administered at the middle of the femur, and the needle runs distally. The needle must be advanced approximately 5 to 7 mm into the mus- cle, not too flat or too far laterally. The small- upper surface of the wings, the other fingers on the lower side, and est possible needle gauges that are compatible with both wings can be palpated simultaneously. For examining the the viscosity of the therapeutic agent should be used legs, the pigeon is held against the body of the person who is restraining it, and the hands press gently down on the body while to prevent hemorrhage. For intravenous injections, the ulnar vein or medial metatarsal veins can be used (Figure 44. Post- venipuncture hemorrhage can be reduced by using the thumb to tighten the propatagium at its inser- tion, directing the needle as far proximally as possi- ble and releasing the propatagium before withdraw- ing the needle. However, the use of injectable anesthetics in pigeons is fraught with problems that include widely variable responses and levels of safety among patients. Combined ketamine/clamazolam injection anesthe- This can be done by fixing the upper beak between the thumb and sia has been shown to have minimal adverse effects middle finger while carefully pressing down the lower beak with the index finger. It is easier, particularly with larger pigeons, if an on the physiologic regulation systems of the pigeon. Local anesthesia can be achieved with 1% procaine or 2% lidocaine hydrochloride with the ad- dition of adrenalin 1:20,000. The ad- dition of adrenalin increases safety, decreases absorption and prolongs anesthetic duration. The feathers from the Diseases medial area of the thigh have been removed, and the vaccine is applied to the follicles with a brush according to the manufacturer’s recommendations (courtesy of Curt Vogel).

Tattoos Specific information placed in the skin of a bird by tattoo rarely remains legible cheap lasuna 60caps fast delivery. The leg of an Amazon parrot after removal of a band shows the constriction of the soft tissue (arrow) buy cheap lasuna 60 caps online, and bruising and swelling of the distal limb (open arrow). By Microchips are small electronic devices that are in- convention, tattoo ink injected into the left patagial jected into the musculature (usually, the pectoral membrane indicates a female and in the right pata- muscle of birds) to provide permanent identifica- gial membrane indicates a male (see Color 8). A radiograph can establish the presence and tattoo ink used should be sterilized to prevent the ink location of a chip (Figure 1. Attempting to use large bolt cutters to remove these bands can cause lacerations or fractures. Note that gaining sufficient purchase on the band with the cutters places opposing force on the leg (arrow). Unfortunately, there is no identifying an individual bird and, with proper sam- industry standard, and a single reader model cannot ples, identifying the bird’s immediate relatives. Collecting and out sedation or anesthesia, although given the op- storing the information is relatively inexpensive, but tion, the author prefers to perform the procedure in the manipulation or evaluation of the data is rela- an anesthetized bird. The patient should be anesthetized for the removal process and fluids should be con- stantly flushed over the band to prevent it from heating during the cutting process. In one case in Europe, this technology was used to prove that a group of a pair of supposedly proven breeding birds had not birds had been illegally imported, resulting in the been the parents of a neonate. Birds for pets and aviculture are C H A P T E R C being increasingly supplied by domestic breeding programs, and the importation of wild- caught birds is no longer necessary or acceptable for most species. As aviculture advances, veterinarians must play a major role in maintaining the health and increasing the productivity of individual pairs and flocks. The quality of avian medicine available for 2 individual birds has advanced tremendously in re- cent years. The successful growth of aviculture will require simultaneous advances in the knowledge and application of preventive medicine from the veteri- nary community. Avicultural medicine differs from clinical care of in- dividual companion birds in several very important ways. The com- mercial producer, as is the case with any livestock Keven Flammer producer, often operates on a slim margin of profit, which can be profoundly affected by disease or man- agement problems. Understanding the economics of the companion bird industry is vital for a successful avicultural practice. Hobbyists typically sell offspring to recover the costs of maintaining their collection or to allow The Veterinarian / Aviculturist Relationship them the freedom of devoting more time to avicul- ture. Profit is not typically the primary motive of a To be of service to the aviculturist, a veterinarian hobbyist breeder. Many aviculturists may start as must understand some of the principles of aviculture hobbyists and turn that hobby into a profitable busi- as well as the principles of medicine and disease. A ness as they gain expertise and appropriate species knowledgeable avian veterinarian will serve as part of birds. The veterinarian should work closely with the avicul- turist to establish an effective preventive medicine Veterinary/client confidentiality is of utmost impor- program. A healthy, pre-existing aviculturist/veteri- seled in strict professional behavior to ensure that narian relationship ensures fast action if a disease they also maintain client/doctor confidentiality. They see and evaluate their birds Perform new bird examinations daily and must be willing to discuss even the slight- Perform resident bird examinations est changes in behavior, appetite, stance or excre- Assist in establishing and maintaining records ment output with the attending veterinarian. The Establish a preventive medicine program aviculturist must respect the veterinarian’s medical Offer husbandry advice judgement and strictly implement any and all sug- Provide emergency care for aviary birds gestions. If the advice of the veterinarian is not Take appropriate action in the face of disease outbreaks sought after and respected, a new veterinarian Evaluate reproductive failure should be engaged. Assist with incubation and pediatric problems Aviary Visits Veterinarians and their staff should be aware of po- Commercial Breeder vs. Hobbyist tential biosecurity hazards to avoid being mechanical The primary goal for the commercial breeder is to vectors for disease transmission between individual produce young companion birds at a profit. The veterinarian endangered species, species that inherently make should visit only one avicultural facility a day, pref- poor pets, species that reproduce poorly in captivity erably in the morning prior to entering the hospital. These clothes a particular-sized facility should be carefully evalu- then remain at the facility for laundering. Increases in housing density may be economical but can also contribute to the incidence and severity When it is necessary to handle a bird in the aviary, it of disease outbreaks, necessitating a detailed moni- is important to remove the bird from its enclosure toring system to prevent health hazards. This can be mercial breeder should select species that are easy to achieved by having all necessary equipment and sup- produce in captivity, that adapt well to the environ- plies readily available, with the least number of peo- ment in which they will be kept and are popular, ple involved and minimal noise. A program was established in 1992 for phasing Selling Birds out the importation of wild-caught birds; the avail- Offering a liberal warranty may be used as a method ability of these birds is limited to aviculturists who to sell birds. However, long-term guarantees given on are willing to participate in cooperative breeding the health or life of birds, especially unweaned neo- programs.

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