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Each bronchiole ends in an elongated sac called the atrium (also known as an alveolar duct or alveolar sac) discount benadryl 25mg mastercard. Alveoli (or air cells) surround the atria generic 25mg benadryl overnight delivery, as do small capillaries that pick up oxygen for delivery elsewhere in the body and dump off carbon dioxide fetched from elsewhere. Overall, there are 23 branches in the respiratory system, with a combined surface area (counting the alveoli) the size of a tennis court! Knowing that the bronchi aren’t evenly distributed, you may have guessed that the lungs aren’t identical either. They’re both spongy and porous because of the air in the sacs, but the right lung is larger, wider, and shorter than the left lung and has three lobes. The left lung divides into only two lobes and is both narrower and longer to make room for the heart because two-thirds of that organ lies to the left of the body’s midline. Each lobe is made up of many lobules, each with a bronchiole ending in an atrium inside. Covering each lung is a thin serous membrane called the visceral pleura that folds back on itself to form a second outer layer, the parietal pleura, with a pleural cavity between the two layers. These two layers secrete a watery fluid into the cavity to lubricate the surfaces that rub against each other as you breathe. When the pleural membrane becomes inflamed in a condition called pleurisy, a sticky discharge roughens the pleura, causing painful irritation. An accompanying bacterial infection means that pus accumulates in the pleural cavity in a condition known as empyema. The pulmonary trunk comes from the right ventricle of the heart and then branches into the two pulmonary arteries carrying venous blood (the only arteries that contain blood loaded with carbon dioxide from various parts of the body) to the lungs. That blood goes through capillaries in the lungs where the carbon dioxide leaves the blood and enters the alveoli to be expelled during exhalation; oxygen leaves the alveoli through the capillaries to enter the bloodstream. After that, oxygenated arterial blood returns to the left atrium through the pulmonary veins (the only veins that contain oxygenated blood), completing the cycle. Bronchial arteries branch off the thoracic aorta of the heart, supplying the lung tissue with nutrients and oxygen. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences: The trachea divides into two 55. If a pin were to pierce the body from the outside in the thoracic region, the third structure it would reach would be the a. Use the terms that follow to identify the structures of the bronchiole shown in Figure 8-4. Inhaling metal and mineral dust can be particularly harmful because the particles cut into and embed themselves in delicate lung tissue, leaving nonfunctional and less pliable scar tissue. Specific lung conditions include Silicosis, commonly found among construction workers, is caused by deposits of sand particles in the lungs. Rhinitis, or the common cold, can be caused by several different kinds of viral infections. Undue exposure may activate the virus or cause the body to become more susceptible to the virus. Inflammation of the pleura membrane Chapter 8: Oxygenating the Machine: The Respiratory System 141 Answers to Questions on the Respiratory System The following are answers to the practice questions presented in this chapter. Yes, the human body’s two greatest needs are to inhale oxygen and to exhale carbon dioxide. Remember that the Latin root for blood is hemo; none of the other answer options incorporate that root. The rates in the other answer options are more akin to pulse rates or blood pressures than to average respirations per minute. Gaseous exchange in lungs m Which of the following statements about the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity is not true? Left lung F The vocal folds change position by the movement of the cartilage known as c. These sacs are the smallest parts of the lungs, so it makes sense that molecular exchange would take place here. Note that the question asks you to choose from the list provided, not from the entire structure of the body. Chapter 9 Fueling the Functions: The Digestive System In This Chapter Getting down and dirty with digestion basics Examining the mouth Spending time in the stomach Passing through the intestines and other organs for enzyme digestion t’s time to feed your hunger for knowledge about how nutrients fuel the whole package Ithat is the human body. In this chapter, we help you swallow the basics about getting food into the system and digest the details about how nutrients move into the rest of the body. You also get plenty of practice following the nutritional trail from first bite to final elimination. Before jumping into a discussion on the alimentary tract, we need to review some basic terms.

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Where the level of consciousness is so affected buy 25 mg benadryl fast delivery, some localizing signs or subhyaloid haemorrhage in the fundi might be expected 25mg benadryl for sale. Despite the lack of any warning of intent beforehand, drug overdose is common and the question of avail- ability of any medication should be explored further. If there is any suspicion of this then levels of other drugs which might need treat- ment should be measured, e. The other possibility in somebody brought in unconscious is that they are suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. The fact that it is winter and he was found in the bathroom where a faulty gas-fired heater might be situated increases this possibility. Patients with carbon monoxide poisoning are usually pale rather than the traditional cherry-red colour associated with carboxyhaemoglobin. Papilloedema can occur in severe carbon monoxide poisoning and might account for the swollen appearance of the optic discs on funduscopy. He was treated with high levels of inspired oxygen and made a slow but full recovery over the next 48 h. Mannitol for cerebral oedema and hyperbaric oxygen are considerations in the management. The problem was traced to a faulty gas water heater which had not been serviced for 4 years. His conscious level is decreased but he is rousable to command and there are no focal neurological signs. He has presented with sudden onset of severe headache, vomiting, confusion, photophobia and neck stiffness. The presence of hypotension, leucocy- tosis and renal impairment suggest acute bacterial infection rather than viral meningitis. The most likely causative bacteria are Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumonia. In patients in this age group Streptococcus pneumonia or Neisseria meningitidis are the most likely organisms. Meningococcal meningitis (Neisseria meningi- tidis) is usually associated with a generalized vasculitic rash. The most severe headaches are experienced in meningitis, subarachnoid haemorrhage and classic migraine. Meningitis usually presents over hours, whereas subarachnoid haemorrhage usually presents very suddenly. Fundoscopy in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage may show subhyaloid haemorrhage. Meningeal irritation can be seen in many acute febrile conditions particularly in children. When meningitis is suspected appropriate antibioic treatment should be started even before the diagnosis is confirmed. In the absence of a history of significant penicillin allergy the most common treatment would be intravenous ceftriaxone or cefotaxime. In this case, the Gram stain demonstrated Gram-positive cocci consistent with Streptococcus pneumonia infec- tion. The patient must be nursed in a manner appropriate for the decreased conscious level. They should be examined, and if meningococcal meningitis is suspected or the organism is uncertain they should be given prophylactic treatment with rifampicin and vaccinated against meningococcal meningitis. It has been a general ache in the upper abdomen and there have been some more severe waves of pain. On two or three occasions in the past 5 years she has had a more severe pain in the right upper abdomen. This has sometimes been associated with feeling as if she had a fever and she was treated with antibiotics on one occasion. There have been no urinary or bowel problems but she does say that her urine may have been darker than usual for a few days and she thinks the problem may be a urinary infection. In her previous medical history she has had hypothyroidism and is on replacement thy- roxine. She has had some episodes of chest pain on exercise once or twice a week for 6 months and has been given atenolol 50 mg daily and a glyceryl trinitrate spray to use sublingually as needed. She is tender in the right upper abdomen and there is marked pain when feeling for the liver during inspir- ation. Her current pain has lasted longer than previous episodes and on examination she is jaundiced.

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